Monday, September 22, 2008

Horizons Launch Calendar

Horizons 12 Month General Launch Calendar
Launch Date: 9/20/09

1. September 28, 2008 @ 5pm
Sign In, Pray
Vision Casting/Informational
Hear the stories how God has initiated HC and what He wants to do in Macomb and how many can get involved.

Announce Next Meeting & Pass Out Cards
Low Commitments

2. October 19, 2008 @ 5pm
Sign In
Vision Casting/Informational
Hear the stories how God has initiated HC and what He wants to do in Macomb and how many can get involved.
Announce Next Meeting & Pass Out Cards
Low Commitments
3. November 9 & 30, 2008 @ 5pm
Turn up the temperature!
Sign In
Announce next mtg
Introduce this group as the potential launch team for HC, (let that sink in)
Introduce the launch team Format for mtgs
1st Piece- Relational, Icebreakers, food, 15-30min
2nd Piece- Vision Cast 15-30min
3rd Piece- Leadership Development 15-30min
4th Piece- Church Plant info & Involvement 15-30min
5th Piece- Bible Study and Discipleship 15-30min
Some commitment
Reminder Next Mtg

4. December 7, 2008 @ 5pm
Sign in
Dates for next mtg
Take communion

5. January 11 & 18, 2009 @ 5pm
January 23, 2009 Ashley due with our 3rd baby!!!
Turn up the Temperature x2
Sign in
Launch Team Format (5 Pieces)
Push for commitments
Introduce for February weekly gatherings
New meeting place?

6-10. February 1- June 14, 2009 Every Sunday night @ 5pm
The Heat is On 50-75 people committed in Feb 09
February retreat (TBA, Midland ?)
Launch Team Format
Get commitments
Build communitas
Financial commitments through tithing
Introduce potential book for spiritual growth and discipleship (TBA)

10. Preview Service #1
June 21, 2009 @ 10am
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique

1-12. June 28-July 12, 2009 Every Sunday night @ 5pm
Sign in
Preparation Preview #2
Critique Preview #1
Launch Team Format

13. Preview Service #2
July 19, 2009 @ 10am
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique

14. July 26-Aug 9, 2009 Sunday @ 5pm
Sign in
Preparation Preview #3
Critique Preview #2
Launch Team Format

15. Preview Service #3
August 16, 2009 @ 10am
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique
Do multiple services need to be considered for launch Sunday or at least by Jan 2010?

16. Aug 23-Sept 13, 2009 Every Sunday @ 5pm
Sign in
Preparation : LAUNCH SUNDAY
Critique Preview #3
Consider multiple services for launch Sunday or at least by Jan 2010
Launch Team Format

17. LAUNCH SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2009 @ 10AM or 9:30/11am.
Launch series
Commit to weekly public services
500+ in attendance
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique
Do multiple services need to be considered for launch Sunday or at least by Jan 2010?
Continue meeting monthly with that launch team as they grow into the core leadership of the church.

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