Thursday, September 4, 2008

Coming Soon

By the end of September we are going to have our actual first launch team informational meeting. Anyone and everyone that is interested in being a part of a growing launch team needs to be there.

There is a difference between a group and a team.

A group is simply a lump. It takes up space, slow and unproductive, not serving much of a purpose.

A team has a function. A team is involved. A team takes risks together. A team is creative, and has a purpose. A team exists only to succeed together.

Horizons isn't looking for just anyone, but the right ones! No lumps! The team at HC will function as a well oiled machine operating individually in their sweet-spot!

I got a chance to golf the other day with my dad. I had a few good shots. But one particular shot was so sweet I didn't even feel it and it sailed down the fairway. It was easy. But I had the right club.

Operating in our sweet-spot is similar to not only possessing the right tools, but using the right tools at the right time.

All of us have the God-given tools resident on the inside of us. Allow God to use you at the right time and see what He will do for you!!!

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