Sunday, September 28, 2008

!st Meeting, Great Success!!

We had an exceptional meeting tonight with over 60 people in attendance! It was crazy with kids on the moonwalk, and our drawing for $50 cash cards was cool too!!! I am so thankful to all of you that made tonight a great success! The Holy Spirit gave us great creativity in communicating tonight. For the first meeting and 12 months to go, we will hit our mark of 500+ in attendance on launch Sunday 9/20/09. As Paul says in scripture, I thank God for all of you!

Get ready. The next meeting Sunday October 19, 2008. 5pm. Location TBA!!!

God Bless.

Vision Meeting Tonight!!!

Tonight is our first informational meeting at my house, 5pm. I will cast the vision for Horizons Church and giving some information about what we are doing. We will have a moonwalk for the kids, food for everyone, and a drawing for $50, $25, and $10 cash card. Whoever fills out a "Contact Card" is eligible to win. My hope is that God will tug on the hearts of those there to consider becoming part of the launch team. I think there are about 75 people already interested. I am not sure where everyone will go, and our second meeting October 19, 2008, will have to be rented space, but I really want to make a statement tonight with the people there.

We can trust God with our lives. We can trust God with what we cannot see. Let's join in the struggles of others and see something beautiful exist where it never existed before. Our mission is to position ourselves among the brokeness of other's lives. We will help reshape futures that seemed lost, lit by a glimmer of hope called, The Church. I believe the Church is the hope of the world. Christ in you, the hope of glory, Col 1:27.

See you all tonight!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Horizons Launch Calendar

Horizons 12 Month General Launch Calendar
Launch Date: 9/20/09

1. September 28, 2008 @ 5pm
Sign In, Pray
Vision Casting/Informational
Hear the stories how God has initiated HC and what He wants to do in Macomb and how many can get involved.

Announce Next Meeting & Pass Out Cards
Low Commitments

2. October 19, 2008 @ 5pm
Sign In
Vision Casting/Informational
Hear the stories how God has initiated HC and what He wants to do in Macomb and how many can get involved.
Announce Next Meeting & Pass Out Cards
Low Commitments
3. November 9 & 30, 2008 @ 5pm
Turn up the temperature!
Sign In
Announce next mtg
Introduce this group as the potential launch team for HC, (let that sink in)
Introduce the launch team Format for mtgs
1st Piece- Relational, Icebreakers, food, 15-30min
2nd Piece- Vision Cast 15-30min
3rd Piece- Leadership Development 15-30min
4th Piece- Church Plant info & Involvement 15-30min
5th Piece- Bible Study and Discipleship 15-30min
Some commitment
Reminder Next Mtg

4. December 7, 2008 @ 5pm
Sign in
Dates for next mtg
Take communion

5. January 11 & 18, 2009 @ 5pm
January 23, 2009 Ashley due with our 3rd baby!!!
Turn up the Temperature x2
Sign in
Launch Team Format (5 Pieces)
Push for commitments
Introduce for February weekly gatherings
New meeting place?

6-10. February 1- June 14, 2009 Every Sunday night @ 5pm
The Heat is On 50-75 people committed in Feb 09
February retreat (TBA, Midland ?)
Launch Team Format
Get commitments
Build communitas
Financial commitments through tithing
Introduce potential book for spiritual growth and discipleship (TBA)

10. Preview Service #1
June 21, 2009 @ 10am
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique

1-12. June 28-July 12, 2009 Every Sunday night @ 5pm
Sign in
Preparation Preview #2
Critique Preview #1
Launch Team Format

13. Preview Service #2
July 19, 2009 @ 10am
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique

14. July 26-Aug 9, 2009 Sunday @ 5pm
Sign in
Preparation Preview #3
Critique Preview #2
Launch Team Format

15. Preview Service #3
August 16, 2009 @ 10am
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique
Do multiple services need to be considered for launch Sunday or at least by Jan 2010?

16. Aug 23-Sept 13, 2009 Every Sunday @ 5pm
Sign in
Preparation : LAUNCH SUNDAY
Critique Preview #3
Consider multiple services for launch Sunday or at least by Jan 2010
Launch Team Format

17. LAUNCH SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2009 @ 10AM or 9:30/11am.
Launch series
Commit to weekly public services
500+ in attendance
Pass out critique cards with program/set up website for critiques too.
Debrief with the HC Team and critique
Do multiple services need to be considered for launch Sunday or at least by Jan 2010?
Continue meeting monthly with that launch team as they grow into the core leadership of the church.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vision Content

Horizons Church

Ø Introduction
Horizons Church is a new church launching in Macomb Township on September 20, 2009. Horizons will launch 12 churches in the next 24 years. I want you to be a part of an incredible vision that is mobilizing and reaching others in a real and rewarding way. God loves you. You were born for this!

Ø Objective
Horizons Church is called to reach the unchurched. It will be a church for those who don’t like to go to church! Cultural relevance to people makes an impact. But Jesus’ plan for Horizons is anchored in something deeper than cultural relevance- transformation. The power to transform lives is seeded by the Spirit of Jesus challenging us to come out into deeper waters of trust and faith. He transforms us as He traces his image over us. As we follow Jesus on this journey of faith, we have the opportunity to mirror Jesus to our communities with the same compelling words and grace of our Creator.

Ø The Vision
To Know Christ and Make Him Known
People desire to gives their lives. We can trust God with what we cannot see. All of us have limited time on Earth, our lifespan. Will you spend it on self Indulgence? Trust God with your lives. Take a risk on God. Commit yourself to this dangerous journey. Be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus Christ and join in the struggles of others with God’s love. Then you will see something beautiful exist, where it never existed before.

Ø The Mission
To incarnate ourselves in the midst of the brokenness of people’s lives; to help reshape a future that looked lost, dimly lit by a glimmer of hope called, The Church-The Hope of the World. Col 1:27 Christ in You the Hope of Glory-Be the Church!

Ø Core Values
1. Love God & Others
2. Lock Arms in community to “Be the Church”
3. Live openhandedly to meet the needs.

Ø Partnerships
Would you consider partnering with us to reach people? There are so many ways to get involved. Your gifts and talents add great value to others. You can trust God with your life. Consider making Horizons Church a priority in prayer, commitment, and involvement. Together, let’s lead others, to find answers, in their quest for God!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vision/Info Meeting 9/28/08

You do not want to miss our first vision/info meeting at my house on Sept 28, 2008 @ 5pm. I will cast the vision and share info and stories from myself and others too. We are expecting 100 people just for our first meeting! We will have tons of food, and a moonwalk set up for your kids. We can hang out all night if you want, but the actual vision part will be about 1 hour or less. The purpose of this meeting recognizes Horizons being 12 months out before we open the doors for a public service. This meeting stands to allow God to tug on the heartstrings of every individual present, with the attempts that they might want to be a part of a growing launch team and get involved. We have ordered Horizons magnets and t-shirts are in process. We are going to sell t-shirts for $10.00 (just to make back the $$$ on t-shirts and magnets). Get the word out, invite friends and family members. I want to make a huge statement that night and start the momentum that begun in the heart of God long before I was born!!!

9/28/08 5pm contact me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Coming Soon

By the end of September we are going to have our actual first launch team informational meeting. Anyone and everyone that is interested in being a part of a growing launch team needs to be there.

There is a difference between a group and a team.

A group is simply a lump. It takes up space, slow and unproductive, not serving much of a purpose.

A team has a function. A team is involved. A team takes risks together. A team is creative, and has a purpose. A team exists only to succeed together.

Horizons isn't looking for just anyone, but the right ones! No lumps! The team at HC will function as a well oiled machine operating individually in their sweet-spot!

I got a chance to golf the other day with my dad. I had a few good shots. But one particular shot was so sweet I didn't even feel it and it sailed down the fairway. It was easy. But I had the right club.

Operating in our sweet-spot is similar to not only possessing the right tools, but using the right tools at the right time.

All of us have the God-given tools resident on the inside of us. Allow God to use you at the right time and see what He will do for you!!!