Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Your Word Is Your Bond

Back a few years ago I went to a Promise Keepers convention somewhere, and all I remember was one of the preachers, I don't know whether it was Tony Evans, Ed Cole or any of the other divine line-up, speak about your word being your bond. People must do what they say they are going to do. When people fall short of that too many times their character is in question. Now we all have grace for the one who is double-booked in his planner, or someone like myself, that if I don't write something down, I may forget entirely...that is not what I am discussing. But someone that makes promises and never keeps them has a serious problem. I don't know if it is a vitamin B deficiency or if they are just plain liars. Call me stupid, but because I try to do the things I say I am going to do, I guess I sort of expect others to do the same. It bothers me, can't you tell? People say things to get you off their back or just to blow you off. That is not true friendship right? Of course not. I want to encourage a few readers to keep strong character, and do what you say you are going to do. Your word is your bond. I know people are human, and not perfect, but how about a little common courtesy to each other. We shouldn't have to put our hand on the Bible to tell the truth, just do it! Keep your commitments.

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