Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Let's Talk About Love

Love is something unique in the eyes of God. God's love toward us is unconditional. Meaning, we can't earn it, whether we believe in Him or not His love for us is greater than the universe. Bible says that God is Love. Interesting enough, His love is in us for others.

Think about a channel. A channel in a waterway allows (keyword) something to pass through it. The great gift of being a channel for the Lord is the residue left in it.

Let me explain,
Jesus feeds the 5000. After the 5000 eat and are stuffed the disciples pick up 12 baskets extra for them to take home. They were the channels God used to bless others. After they finished serving others there was a whole basket left over for each of them! They were left with what we would describe as the scraps or leftovers. These however were not leftovers like they had sat out and become stale, but left wholly for them. To be used of God is the greatest honor in the World, but Love is the thing that conquers all. And when you allow God's love to permeate your being for others, you not only get what you are giving out, but fresh bread in quantity and quality.

It is the Love of God to save the best wine till the last. It is the Love of God to save the lost sinner. And it is the Love of God, above all things that will speak louder than words.

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