Monday, September 10, 2007

The Waiting Game

Waiting many times in life is so difficult. But some of the best things in life take time to settle. Anything made well, is made slow. We really don't know what we want until we have waited to see what we don't want. That has been the case as Ashley and I have been looking at houses. You see a lot of what you don't want, and very little of what you do want. Either way, waiting can be the most difficult thing when you are in a hurry, or being impatient. When your patience gets frustrated with time, recognize that God is in control. When things are out of your control, that is when God is at His best. When you can't touch it and mess things up! Usually when you wait for what God has for you, it is really what you wanted, and it is better too!

If we could see 3 months, 6 months, or even farther up the road, then we wouldn't need faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11). We believe for things we can't see. But if we have what we are already believing for we don't need faith. From time to time we can't escape the idea that we have needs. We hate to need, but love to want. But God supplies all of our needs! So not only does He grant us what we are believing for (things according to His will), but He also gives us the faith to carry on and receive the rewards of what we think is "our" faith. Mark 11:22-24 is clear. Verse 1 states to Have faith in God. That literally means to have the faith of God. God has faith. Through faith the worlds were created (Heb 11:1-3). That is why faith in Christ alone is so important. Our faith, becomes His faith as we partner with the Holy Spirit to see the will of God accomplished here on Earth.

Faith doesn't have to be large. It just has to be present. Just know that with God nothing is impossible. God bless you with faith for today. Remember, His mercies are new every morning!

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