Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Release

Today Ashley and I were "released" from BVCC, to lead a church in Port Huron, and also begin the new church plant of Horizons Church. We are going to do both. The Port Huron church's name is Blue Water Christian Church. It is located on 14th and Chestnut in the heart of Port Huron. It is a small church of 40 people that are hungry to keep the doors open. As the Lord makes change available we are going to run with it! Their style is very traditional and very different then what I have been accustomed to. However I am very aware of their style and perception of "Church". I don't want to infringe on that, but they are ready for change. The age group of the church is about 60 and up! I am only 33, but they can be lead, and that is my excitement for them. We are being "set in" in Port Huron next Sunday morning at 11am. As for our new church plant, we won't be having Sunday services till 2008.

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