Sunday, August 26, 2007

Port Huron

God is doing something spectacular in Port Huron! I believe it is a gateway spiritually too. About 8 weeks back my wife and I began praying about leading a small church in Port Huron. It is called, Blue Water Christian Church. The water in Port Huron is blue like the ocean. For all you Bay City folk, you won't know what I am talking about! BWCC was planted back in the 1940's. There are still some people there that have been there from the beginning. There style is very traditional. I am very accustomed to that from growing up at Bethesda Christian Church. However, I have changed quite a bit in my methods, but luckily the message is still the same! We really love the people there and they seem to reciprocate that love. They are very encouraging and believe in church planting. They have been talking to us about potentially planting a "Horizons Church" in Kettle point. Yes, that is in Canada. Some of the past leaders from this church used to do services over there, that were standing room only! About 50% of BWCC membership is made up of people from Canada. Some of them wait on the Blue Water Bridge almost 2 hours to come to church. We have since been set in as their Pastors. As we pastor this group of people we are very hopeful that this church will grow. Their weekly Sunday attendance is about 40-50 people. As we begin some outreach, which is simply reaching out to others...we will see more people come to the Lord. Be in Faith with us. I am believing for over 200 people for BWCC in the next year. Check it out some time. Blue Water Christian Church is located on 14th and Chestnut, here is the address...

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