Thursday, August 16, 2007


We are moving next Friday the 24th out of Bay City! It's pretty scarry, but the Lord is with us. 2 huge trucks are rented and we are going to Rochester Hills. We are still looking for a house, but we will stay at my parents house during this transition. Thank God for that. Horizins Church is looking intently for people that want to be part of the ground floor of a new church plant. Maybe you, or someone you know would be interested. Pass this info along and see what happens. Many are beginning to partner with us through prayer and support. Also, my wife and I are also pastoring another church in Port Huron too. That church is called Blue Water Christian Church. It is a great group of people hungry for the Lord. There is some great potential looking to come out of Port Huron. So we are working on planting a new church in Rochester Hills, along with Pastoring the Port Huron church as well. Sounds like a full plate, which is true, but I would like to plant about 6 churches over the next 12 years. Calling all those church planters out there, this could be your time! I had a call the other day from someone from out of town willing to quit their job and come up to be trained and be one of the first ones to be sent out to plant out of Horizons! How exciting! More on that later.

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