Monday, December 1, 2008

This Coming Sunday Dec 7th 4pm Worship & Communion

Last night in our Horizons weekly Bible study we had one of those God defining moments. We taught as usual our schedule in Matthew, chapter by chapter. Last night was chapter 21. The entire time Jesus deals with the heart. He deals with us actually having the goods to back up our talk. Jesus is really after our hearts. As we walk with Christ He fills us with the knowledge of His will. In turn that gives us the ability to start being like Him. At the end of our night we had a worship song and it seemed as though God walked into the room and was digging deep in the hearts of people. It was great. We will have more of those!

Remember this Sunday night at 4pm at His Rock on the corner of 24 and Romeo Plank, Horizons has its 4th launch meeting. This meeting will be filled with God's Presence as we worship together and take communion by candlelight before the end of the year. We are expecting the place to be packed out. Come on time a few minutes before 4pm. It will only last 1 hour. We will also have childcare available too. Contact me if you need more info. God Bless.

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