Tuesday, December 23, 2008

People are Eternal

Have you ever considered the significance of people. Their true value lies buried deep with in the fact that they are eternal. Everything in time will pass away. Homes, cars, boats, money, stuff and things. People pass from this Earth, but are still alive in the form of a soul and spirit in eternity somewhere. Somewhere meaning Heaven or Hell. Two very real places. So we find that people are eternal, along with the Word of God (the Bible). The Word of God is settled in Heaven and eternal. And the Word of God is not only Eternal but tangible. People are the same way. Having an effect on you either way, whether good or bad. This Christmas season give the gift of life, eternal life. Reveal Jesus through your life and open the gates of Heaven to others through you. Remember 1John in the Bible says that God is love. Practice being like Him.
Merry Christmas!!!

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