Monday, December 8, 2008


Last night was a powerful time. We had worship and communion by candlelight. Our night was empowered by the Spirit of God. If you missed it, you definately can't make up that one! We started out with our first Horizons Video that was developed by Mickey Badalamenti. A fellow Italian. One thing is for sure that there are a lot of Italian brothers and sisters that attend Horizons. You either are or want to be! Mickey you did a tremendous job on that video spot. We already had about 20 requests for that video to be copied and given out to co-workers, friends and neighbors. What an incredible tool for outreach. After the video, worship was great by Geoff McClellend. Then finally I came up with a few short communion thoughts on desire and desperation in our city and the people came up and received the elements of communion. Lastly we sang a Christmas song! We had to do it! Oh yeah, Silent Night, of course!!! We ended with an offering and we're done by 5:15. We started a few minutes behind due to the weather...Next big meeting Jan 11, 2009. In Feb 09 we start going weekly with those meetings. Also next Tuesday the 16th we have a prayer night at the Dinello's at 7:30pm. More later.

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