Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Test Your Luck

We may throw the dice but the Lord determines how they fall. Proverbs 16:33

You can plan for many things in life but God still is in charge and in control.

So much of life is out of our hands anyways.

As control freaks it is hard not to worry about the challenges of life.

Listen to what Psalm 81:6 says...
Now I will take the load from your shoulders, I will free your hands from their heavy load (tasks. You cried for me in trouble and I saved you; I answered you out of the thunder cloud and tested your faith when there was no water.

That makes me so happy because Jesus answers us out of what we need. What else do think is in a "thunder cloud"? Water!!!

Check out our Horizons Service every Sunday night from 4-5pm at "His Rock" on the corner of 24 & Romeo Plank. Children's ministry and childcare is provided.

Don't Miss It!

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