Thursday, January 8, 2009

what are you positioned for?

Scripture says in Eph 4:27 Give no place to the Devil. The word "place" in the Greek is the word "topos", meaning a position of opportunity. Don't even let the enemy of your soul get a position of opportunity in life.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:41 pray that you don't enter into temptation. I suppose if you are a person of prayer you won't be falling into temptation because you will be built up in your spirit. If prayer connects you with God, than your signal for Him is strong. Position yourself to receive God's strength. What are you positioned for? Woven throughout the tapestry of prayer are the fibers of dependence that man submits himself to. Position yourself to receive God's best. That comes in the symbol of praying hands and bended knees.

This is your reminder for this Sunday Jan 11th @ 4pm, at a building called, "His Rock", on the corner of 24 & Romeo Plank. Childcare will be provided, and your friends are waiting for you to invite them to.

If you need more info or want to get involved with Horizons Church, contact me!

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