Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Be Prepared

In Matthew 24 Jesus is talking about end time events and begins to describe how these things might unfold. It is easy for us to try to figure out a date and time of when Christ will return. Now the facts remain that according to 1 Thes 4, Christ is definitely returning, but He did not leave us a specific date. I have to have a date posted on everything or it doesn't get done.
We now have bags packed to go to the hospital as Ashley and I await our 3rd boy. We don't know when he is coming specifically but we can obviously define the season! We are ready to go at any time. Things are prepared for boy #3 to come. All he has to do is show up and we are ready. Jesus was saying the same things in Mat 24 to be ready at all times no matter what. Are your spiritual bags packed for Christ's return? Let God's grace help get you ready as the Holy Spirit leads you! Being prepared is more important than the date itself. By the way, the incarnation date of Christ in your life is more important than the return date of Christ to the Earth. If you have the one, you have the other by default!

Remember our Horizons Service this Sunday Jan 11th @ 4-5pm, at a building called, "His Rock", on the corner of 24 and Romeo Plank. Childcare is provided and you can invite family members and friends. See you there!

God Bless

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