Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jesus doesn't call you to "easy"

What a great time we had on Sunday at our Horizons service. Many attended and God was there. Gian Ruvolo did a great job helping teach and the small groups seemed energized. Afterwards we had an what we are calling "after-parties" at Jerry and Liz Dinello's. It was another great way to connect after our service. Proud of you team! Thanks to all who attended and gave their all.

In other news, Jesus doesn't call you to "easy". He never said this life or what He is calling us to do, would be easy. In fact in John 16:33 Jesus tells us that in this life we will have tribulation, trouble, trials, challenging circumstances, but not to fear, be of good cheer, Jesus Christ is here! He has overcome the world already. So buck up. Quick being a panzy! Find Jesus through every challenge. Every challenge is an opportunity for discovery. My Pastor in our Bay City church always said, "you don't know how much faith you have until you are in a good fight". Well, there it is...

Mark your calendars for our next Prayer Night at Liz and Jerry Dinello's Monday Jan 19th, 7pm. Keep your kids home and let the adults pray.

God Bless

Thursday, January 8, 2009

what are you positioned for?

Scripture says in Eph 4:27 Give no place to the Devil. The word "place" in the Greek is the word "topos", meaning a position of opportunity. Don't even let the enemy of your soul get a position of opportunity in life.

Jesus said in Matthew 26:41 pray that you don't enter into temptation. I suppose if you are a person of prayer you won't be falling into temptation because you will be built up in your spirit. If prayer connects you with God, than your signal for Him is strong. Position yourself to receive God's strength. What are you positioned for? Woven throughout the tapestry of prayer are the fibers of dependence that man submits himself to. Position yourself to receive God's best. That comes in the symbol of praying hands and bended knees.

This is your reminder for this Sunday Jan 11th @ 4pm, at a building called, "His Rock", on the corner of 24 & Romeo Plank. Childcare will be provided, and your friends are waiting for you to invite them to.

If you need more info or want to get involved with Horizons Church, contact me!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Be Prepared

In Matthew 24 Jesus is talking about end time events and begins to describe how these things might unfold. It is easy for us to try to figure out a date and time of when Christ will return. Now the facts remain that according to 1 Thes 4, Christ is definitely returning, but He did not leave us a specific date. I have to have a date posted on everything or it doesn't get done.
We now have bags packed to go to the hospital as Ashley and I await our 3rd boy. We don't know when he is coming specifically but we can obviously define the season! We are ready to go at any time. Things are prepared for boy #3 to come. All he has to do is show up and we are ready. Jesus was saying the same things in Mat 24 to be ready at all times no matter what. Are your spiritual bags packed for Christ's return? Let God's grace help get you ready as the Holy Spirit leads you! Being prepared is more important than the date itself. By the way, the incarnation date of Christ in your life is more important than the return date of Christ to the Earth. If you have the one, you have the other by default!

Remember our Horizons Service this Sunday Jan 11th @ 4-5pm, at a building called, "His Rock", on the corner of 24 and Romeo Plank. Childcare is provided and you can invite family members and friends. See you there!

God Bless

Monday, January 5, 2009

This Coming Sunday Jan 11, 2009

Happy New Year Everybody
I want to cordially invite you to another great Horizons Church meeting this Sunday Jan 11, 4-5pm, at a building called "His Rock" on the corner of 24 and Romeo Plank. We will have childcare provided, worship, and creative teaching. (We have a surprise for you!) You don't want to miss this one!!! Really!!! Come early and connect with others as the Holy Spirit leads us in the vision for our city.

If you need additional info, or want to get involved, contact me!!!

God Bless