Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Mat 1:21 And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

That is the crucial element of the gospel. It is Great News. He would save me from myself. No longer would my own sins, mistakes, shortcomings, and pitfalls come back to haunt me. I have been saved from that.

About 2000 years ago we find Angel's beginning to preach the age old story that Jesus was soon to come on the scene and save people from their sins. Jude says that these things Angels desire to look into. Prophets of old were seeing into the destiny of the Church as they foretold of a Savior to come. And now in context of Matthew 1:21 it seemed the fate of the world was in the belly of a 14 year old virgin. Hebrews 10:5 says, "a body you have prepared me." Psalms 139 is clear about the formation of our natural and spiritual development.

The Good News is clear. He saved us from our sins and in response to His love we have responsibility to do the same. He saved you so go save others with His love. This is Christmas time. He came to give. Freely you have received, freely give!!! God Bless You.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

3 Keys to Breaking Materialism

1. Generosity/Giving
2. Receiving
3. Love

1. Generosity/Giving
· Giving to God, others, others in need
· What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you
· Lu 6:38 Give and it shall be given…
· Give God your best.
· 3 wise men brought Jesus Gold Frankincense and Myrrh
· You must learn to give for the right reasons
· Giving makes you a generous person
· Proverbs says that when you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord and He will repay you.
· When you give you break the spirit of greed, and materialism

2. Receive
· People must learn to receive
· Part what makes this season great, is receiving when you don’t deserve it.
· A gift is free.
· You don’t earn it, work for it, or save for it. Just open it!!!
· Mk 11:22-24 believe that you receive when you pray…
· Don’t be too prideful to receive help, or money, or prayer.
· It is a natural flow in life to give and to receive, but it is better to give.
· Rms 6:23 wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
· What is something that is too great to receive?
· Is there anything that you would say that is too much, I won’t receive it!
  • Learn to Receive!

    3. Love
    · 1 Cor 16:14-do everything with Love
    · 1 John says God is Love
    · Ascribing worth to each other

Some Greek Words for Love
· Agape love-unconditional God kind of love
· Phileo Love- friendship love
· Eros-Erotic, love between a husband and wife (yeah!)

· We must learn to ascribe worth to each other, and to our enemies

· Mat 5 let them see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.

Monday, December 10, 2007

HC Prospectus

Horizons now has the finished product available. "The Prospectus". The purpose of this is to adequately describe in some detail the scaffolding or structure of the organization. If you are interested in one, please email me for a copy. I could put it on this site, but that would be too easy. I want you to request it! Many are!! Those that see it say it is done with excellence and professionalism. Only the best for you! It is simply a conversation piece. In detail, it is a 45 page, full color, with pictures (for those that like that!), descriptive, glossy, informational tool to show you that much hard work is being done to lay the ground work of our new church. We want all the systems, infrastructure, and organization to be done with full harmony before we even open the doors. There is much work to be done, but it gives us all purpose!

I am hesitating to name any names at this point, but many thanks go out to the one who opened his doors to me, to print 40 copies of a 45 page prospectus! That is 1800 pages (so you don't have to get your calculator like I did). It was taking me 1 whole hour to print only 1. You can do the math on the time it saved me, not to mention printing costs, paper and ink. God Bless You MK3. You know who you are. You get the MVP award for this month for HC.

More later. God Bless.