Series: Possess the Land
Sermon: The Land of the Will
Today we are dealing with the Land of the Will.
Jesus was in the Garden of Gethesame it was an issue of His will vs the will of God
Not my will, but your be done
Mans will is the essence of what he is
Choices are made that determine his daily life and his eternal destiny
Our creator gave us a free volition and never moves to force, coerce, or control us
Our will is that which stands between good and evil
When joined to God’s will, that part of man brings a union that brings a harmony between creature and creator and releases the of God in full salvation
A man can always say no to God and God will always respect his choice
Luke 22:42 (King James Version)
42Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
1. Potential of the will
Our emotion expresses how we feel, our mind tells us what to think, our will communicates what we want. Watchman Nee
Man’s will is his organ for decision making
God has given us the freedom of choice, created with the capacity to make decisions
Man’s will is his real self
The choices of man reveal the character of man
2. Spiritual Life begins with a choice
you choose to make the will of God your own will and pleasure
the will of God becomes the goal of living rather than self
repentance is turning from self life
the spiritual life is more than emotions and intellect-God aims at the salvation of the will
3. Spiritual union comes when you are joined to God’s will
Good spiritual union brings obedience
Disobedience is to follow your own will, therefore we must cease from our own works
We cannot make provision for self, Mat 10:38
We must take up our own cross and follow God
4. The will becomes a censor for all thoughts coming from subconscious mind
Subconscious mind is a reservoir of all past experiences
Satan uses the subconscious mind to project thoughts to our conscious mind
The will receives or rejects these thoughts
When the will ceases to resist Satan in that area, he comes into control
Renewing the mind brings strength to the will and release of bondages
Through the renewal of the mind, the source of temptation is eliminated
John 14:30 Satan has nothing in me.
Man’s will is brought into bondage by deception.
The way we are brought into passivity by…
Ceasing to be active, and evil spirits take advantage of passivity
God wants you to use all your abilities to be filled with the HS
Unable to cope, unfinished jobs, can’t concentrate, unable to make decisions or initiate
Freedom of the Will
Knowledge of the truth is necessary for freedom within the will
Admit that one is susceptible to deception, and what ground has been given to the enemy
The enemies involvement determines your degree of passivity
Break the Passivity by activating the will, by responding to God’s will
Will is energized by faith, strengthened by truth, truth calls us to freedom, it was for freedom that Christ set us free
Exercise the will by making decisions,
You might make wrong decisions, but accept responsibility
Stop accepting circumstances to guide you
Be led by the HS, Romans 8:14
Passivity assumes that God is deciding everything for him
1. resist the devil
2. Recover lost ground
3. Work actively with God for the use of every part of your person
Sometime you think things are getting worse after you take a stand, but they are only because you are putting pressure on the devil and activating your will, like using muscles you haven’t used before or ever…
Ex: gary didia and muscle pain, chiro, used muscles not used in a while make reference to Sr. gary and me being 36
The will that is in control of the spirit, mind and body guarantees freedom
You are made up of body, soul, spirit
Prov 25:28 THE spirit needs the control of the will
2 Cor 10:5 the mind needs to be subjected to the will
The body must be the instrument of man 1 Cor 9:27
An active will is necessary to maintain deliverance in any area of life
The strategy of the enemy against the will is passivity
When this happens one becomes complacent and helpless
The command of the Lord-Duet 1:8 Possess the Land
Friday, June 25, 2010
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