Friday, May 14, 2010

A New Season: Possess the Land

This message is long overdue.

Offering-Duet 28:1-14 NLT
Duet 1:8 KJV 8Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.
What is enacted and carried out in the OT, in the physical realm, is to be enacted in the spiritual realm by The Church.
1. the land God is giving you will not be possessed w/o battle
• Psa 44:4-5: you command victories for your people, by your power can we push back our enemies, and in your name we trample our foes.
2. The giving was God’s part, taking was Israel’s part
3. When the enemy was confronted they always prevailed!
Jesus has broken the power and authority of Hell
• Col 2:15 God disarmed the evil rulers and authorities he shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the Cross of Christ
• Heb 2:14 By Jesus dying , He broke the power of the Devil who had the power of death.
• But Jesus death, gave Him power of death, hell and the grave
What has been given must be possessed!
• Israel’s mistake: they were content to live with the enemy, when God told Joshua to drive out all the inhabitants of the land, even the children
• So it is with the church, taken a passive position against sin, and the things God hates
• As a people we have become passive toward sin, bitterness, and adultery and allowed that stuff to live in us with a retreating /self defeating attitude
• Ex: on vacation with sand in the sheets, sand from the ocean is so fine, small enough get everywhere, can’t sleep, brush it out, or Ashley can’t sleep with messy blankets, always fluffs them up, even after I’m sleeping…
The Church must stand on the work of the Cross and declare His victory!
The Cross gives us position to possess the land.
 We can only be in faith where the will of God is known
 You can believe for everything, but believe that God will reveal His will on an issue
 God’s Word will never contradict itself
 It takes enough energy just to believe God when we know His will, than when we don’t
 Meaning just to fulfill the will of God sometimes is hard enough, when you know what to believe for let alone trying to believe for something that you may not even know God’s will on
 Faith believes for something, substance
Hebrews 11:1-3 KJV 1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, (the will of God) the evidence of things not seen. 2For by it the elders obtained a good report. 3Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Rms 10:17 Faith comes by hearing the Word of God
Faith is for the Word of God, the Word is God’s will.
Faith is for the will of God, not your will.
There is no faith where the will of God is not known, that is why we ask for wisdom, James 1, so we are not vacillating in the will of God
We ask God what His will is, in a matter, and stand on the Word of God, and believe God to reveal Himself
You must know the will of God to be in faith
Where there is no Word, there is no faith.
By possessing our land that they Lord has given us, it will take work, energy, faith, motion against resistance and time
 We are not just going to localize a problem and send you to a psychiatric hospital, but present you with solutions and force feed you the will, purpose and power of God, and you will grow
 We are going to identify the strongholds, cast the devil out, have victory over every area, and possess the land!
Man is a spirit.
 Modern philosophy has taught us to ignore this fact, there are spiritual answers for spirit beings
 Man is a spirit and so is our God, and He can transcend the disintegration of the human race and bring forth a real integration of His HS to cause us to possess our land
 Being a Christian doesn’t automatically solve our problems, but builds a stage for us to receive the Grace of God
 That grace only comes through the proper understanding of the Cross, Satan and his works, understanding yourself, and learning to have faith in God and His provision to meet every need of man.
Then you are free to relate to God and relate to others
Entering the Land
 Satan has established strongholds in the land, especially in your mind, so you can’t wrap your mind around what God has for you
Deut 1:8- the land is before you, go in and possess it.
 A passive attitude will not conquer the land, and that allows the enemy to remain in the land and God’s people suffer
 God’s will is not for His people to suffer from the enemy, Jesus came to discombobulate Satan
 God’s will is victory for you-to rule in circumstances, rather than being ruled by circumstances
 A people that can determine the will of God and take direction rather than being directed by a turn of events
God wants a people to magnify the name of the Lord
 Who has made Him their strong tower, refuge, shield, their covering, and their conqueror.
God gave the land of Canaan to the Israelites
 Giving was God’s part, the taking was Israel’s part-
 The land was theirs, but they had to possess it
What is given is not automatically yours!
Deut 1:21,36 KJV
21Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the LORD God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged.
 He said that because it would be scarry and discouraging
36Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh; he shall see it, and to him will I give the land that he hath trodden upon, and to his children, because he hath wholly followed the LORD.
 The promise is given to those that are totally sold out
Like Jesus said, Satan has nothing in me, john 14:30
 Your land will not be possessed w/o a battle
 It’s going to be scarry, discouraging at times, but the land is still yours!
1. the Church must deal with the presence of the enemy
 Judges 1,2- did not drive out all the inhabitants and went to worshipping others gods
 Jesus- 1 john 3:8 KJV For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil.
2. What has been given must be possessed by the Church
A Word to the Church: Mat 28:18-20 KJV all power in heaven and earth given to me
Armor for the Church: Eph 6
A battle for the Church: 2 Cor 10:3-5 walk in flesh, don’t war after flesh, weapons warfare not carnal…casting down imag, every high thing…
Jesus broke the authority of evil over us Col 1:13- He has delivered us from power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son, redemption through blood, forgivenss of sins
The works of the enemy must be dealt with in the land of the mind, the will, the emotions, the body.
What has been given must be possessed
Salvation given on principle of faith, must operate on the same principle
Faith extends God’s authority in every area of our living
The works of the enemy must be torn down and his presence driven out
Casting down imaginations and every high thing… 2 cor 10:3-5
Satan will challenge you, but Rev 12:11 overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the Word of your testimony
The cross is Satans defeat, defeated foe
How do I possess the Land? Facing the enemy and his works
There can be no compromise in any area!!!
The land of Promise should be the land of complete victory
Complete victory only comes if you are willing to deal with all the works of the enemy.
Works of the Enemy
Works of the flesh- Gal 5:16-23 NLT
What are the strongholds of the enemy that you face in personal life?
Do you recognize patterns and problems long existent in your family?
How do they affect you emotionally? Spiritually?
Begin to pray for revelation of the spiritual nature of the problems.

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