Series: Growing in God
Message: Hannah’s Barrenness for God’s Purpose
Gideon, Ruth with “The Treasure is in the Field”
As you are working that field it takes work, energy, motion against resistance
Show you today how that prayer, and worship are in concert with God’s purpose as you stand your ground and believe what God has said to you.
God is getting ready to visit the earth with another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit
It will be an outpouring of power, healing, and great miracles.
But not because we are asking for His hand on the Earth only, but begging for His face, He is going to look on us…
The flipside of what we are facing now, debt, discontentedness, depravity, and barrenness of the presence of God
The answers are coming, as sure as you are sitting here the prosperity of the power of God’s face is coming to this Earth
God’s purposes are established through prayer, that the will of God would be done on Earth as it’s done in Heaven!
And Prayer and Worship are the formula’s to end the spiritual barrenness that is represented in our lives, church, pocket books, and our bodies, in your families, relationships
Hannah’s Story
1 Sam 1:2-7 NLT
It was customary, though not sanctioned by God, for a man to take a 2nd wife when his first one was barren
To be barren was viewed as cursed from God, but God can take circumstances that are the darkest and without hope and totally turn them around
Rms 8:28 we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose
Hannah in her own mind was considered a failure, it was a social embarrassment for her husband.
Children were important part of the social economic structure, they were a source of labor for the family and it was their duty to care for their parents in their old age.
If one could not bear children she was obligated by ancient Middle Eastern custom to give one of her servant girls to her husband for child bearing-Hannah didn’t want that
Elkanah could have left Hannah, he was permitted under the law to divorce a barren wife, but he remained lovingly devoted to her despite social criticism and his rights under civil law.
But Hannah’s repetition in prayer proved her dependence and humility on God as He remembered her by removing the social disgrace associated at that time with infertility.
She sought God for only what He could do
James 5:16 the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much
Ps 34:15 the eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, His ears are open to their cries for help
Did God remove the stigma of barrenness?
Yes, but not without going to Shiloh…
You must go to Shiloh
You don’t get the blessing of God without going to Shiloh
Shiloh- bringer of prosperity/peace, with infinite resources and power with which God acts for His people
Go to Shiloh-the temple-house of the Lord, symbolized the presence of God-It’s where the Ark is..Where Jesus is.
God is trying to get the Church to go to Shiloh, that’s where they find prosperity, peace, blessing, JESUS
Ex: Bible college, dorm hallway sign on kids door, “Freshly, fall in love with Jesus everyday”
It’s where they find the double portion
Hannah was barren but on her way to Shiloh, taunted by her husbands other wife, reduced to tears, to not even eat.
1:8 Elkanah= what God has purchased
What God has purchased for someone else is not enough for me, I have to have the power of God for myself,
Your blessing will not satisfy my barrenness, I have to have my own, I have to pay the price for my own fruitfulness.
I have to have my own experiences with God, yours aren’t enough for me
No sacrifice is too great to have the glory of God rest on me.
1 Sam1:9-14
vs 12 reminds me after HS was poured out to the disciples and 120 in upper room in
Acts 2:1-4 Suddenly there came a sound of a rushing mighty wind, that filled all the house where in they were sitting, there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:13
these men are not drunk like you would suppose, but this was prophesied by the prophet
Joel 2:28
in last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men shall see visions and old men dream dreams, and in those days will I pour out my Spirit upon men and women, and great signs and wonders shall take place, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
It’s time we get beside ourselves, and let the HS take over
You might be in anguish, start pouring out your heart to God
Hannah acted drunk in front of the Eli the Priest
1 Sam 1:15-16
Sometimes we speak out of our pain because we want others to feel bad for us
But God is saying, “You come to Me”.
Keep seeking Him, asking, knocking…God will answer.
Wait until baby weaned 2-3 years old, and leave him with the Lord permanently
Returns to the temple, 2-3 years later, reminds Eli about the promise
The promise of God is the purpose of God
But the blessing is not just for you
God always has a greater plan-
The blessing is through you to others, blessed, to be a blessing.
God uses the burden of Hannah’s heart to bring a surprisingly larger solution to a burden of His own heart.
Barrenness was not only Hannah’s condition, but Israel’s spiritual condition.
It was a season of spiritual need with little prophetic activity
God was looking for a voice to speak to His people
Hannah could not know that her intense intercession for a child was moving in concert with God-bringing her a son, but also bringing forth the will and blessing of God for a whole nation
Postponing her years of childbirth was for a purpose
She entrusted the longings of her heart to God
He moves on her behalf, but also advances His larger plan through her at the same time.
God uses our weakness to ride in on wings of His strength
His grace is sufficient for you/must be filled with the HS
Hannah’s barrenness was God’s timing strength and purpose
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice of prayer and worship brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
STOP 3/21/10
START HERE 3/28/10
1 SAM 1:19 God Remembered her request
1 Sam 2:18-21 the Lord visited Hannah again with 3 sons and 2 more daughters
Luke 7:16
to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes
a) in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go to see one
1) the poor and afflicted, the sick
b) to look upon in order to help or to benefit
1) to look after, have care for, provide for: of God
c) to look (about) for, look out (one to choose, employ, etc.)
God uses our weakness to ride in on wings of His strength
His grace is sufficient for you.
Hannah’s barrenness was God’s timing strength and purpose
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
Sunday, March 21, 2010
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