I am speaking at Joy Community Church, Clinton Twp MI, this Friday April 2, 2010, at 1pm if you can make it. Here is the message. I Hope you like it.
Good Friday
“The Life is in The Blood”
1 Peter 1:18-19 (King James Version)
ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, 19But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
Leviticus 17:11 (King James Version)
11For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
Genesis 3:15 15And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
First time we here of talk of a substitutionary death, burial and resurrection
Genesis 3:21 (King James Version)
Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, our sin
21Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
1st Blood Sacrifice
1st time an animal would be used as the substitutionary sacrifice to cover and atone for man’s sin,
later on with Abraham’s sacrifice, he believed that God, would provide Himself a lamb
after Adam sinned, instead of immediate physical death, He experienced immediate spiritual death
No longer covered with the Glory of God, but warm, wet, bloody sacrifice of the creation of God, an animal
this new covering different from the previous one, made through a horrible and ugly occurrence, an animal was slaughtered before their eyes
the Lord impressing on this new couple the utter ugliness of sin and the wages it pays: death
In a similar manner our Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, The Anointed one, provided our payment for the penalty of sin
We deserved to drink that cup and experience the power of the curse
But Jesus death was VICARIOUS, totally for another, than Himself
His substitutionary death was the great exchange for our sinful lives and eternal deaths
1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh
Isaiah 52:14 14 But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.
1. God required the shedding of blood for payment of sin
Heb 9:22 without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins
2. The sinner must be covered with the blood
3. God provides the sacrifice
4. God Himself covers the sinner
Not only provides the sacrifice, but made covering of skins for Adam and Eve,
They did not cloth themselves
When it comes to that robe of righteousness and the garment of salvation, we do not put it on ourselves
The Father dresses us, He clothes us with righteousness Isa 61:10
Talking about Jesus, God is the regenerator, He provides and clothes on the basis of the Blood of Christ
5. The innocent dies for the guilty-the just for the unjust
6. God brings judgment upon the sacrifice-the fire always falls on the blood
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated His love toward us while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us
The life is in the blood!
Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, while the white blood cells fight disease
Picture of Jesus carrying life to His Bride, the Church, while fighting the disease of sin and death
The life is in the Blood!
At Passover Exodus 12
The firstborn was commanded to die for the sins of Pharoah and Egypt
they were to apply the blood on the doorposts and sides and bottom,signifying a cross
and when the death angel saw the blood he would pass-over that house
The blood to us makes our God a living God
David wanted to build a temple for God, but God told him no, he had too much blood on his hands, his own labors
The life is in the blood
Heb 8:6 ratified by better blood
That blood is holy, pure, innocent, living, rare, precious, and incorruptible blood not subject to moral or spiritual degeneration
Costly valuable highly esteemed, honorable ,beloved, not redeemed with corruptible things
We are serving an uncorruptable God with incorruptible blood
David did not want to offer anything to the Lord that didn’t cost him
His son Solomon had the privilege of offering sacrifices to God when he had built this incredible temple
The sacrifices dedicating the temple to God cost over $13 million in todays economy-offering 22,000 oxen, and 120,000 sheep
The blood from 3 oxen would have filled a bathtub full of blood, and there were 22,000! 7,334 bathtubs full of blood.
When God sent the fire, the power of God was so strong that the Priests could not even stand to minister!
And that is the power of God that is resident within 1 drop of the blood of Christ
Jesus was worth more than all the animal sacrifices that Solomon could produce
Highway to Hell
And then it happened, the story picks up with Jesus rising from the last supper and inviting the disciples to pray with Him,
That night would truly be His last meal on Earth, and the night before was that was His last night of sleep
Gethesamane-oil press
Mat 26:41 watch and pray that enter not into temptation, that temptation was going to persevere as all the disciples would soon betray him and run
Jesus begins to feel the weight of the world on Him and therefore sweating drops of blood because of the amount of stress He is under
A medical term hemitidrosis, where the capillaries in the brain begin to burst under intense stress and pressure literally breaking through the skin
From there He is led to Caiaphas the high priest where He is spit on, blindfolded and beaten, by the priests and religious leaders!
After being handcuffed, beaten, spit on and up all night, He is transferred to Pilate, the governor
Pilate says I find no fault in Him, who do you want Jesus or barrabas?
Even Jesus in His weakened state on the way to the cross, saves Barrabas from another painful night in Prison, by taking His place
The Whipping Post
Pilate delivers Jesus to the whipping post, to be whipped with the cat of nine tails, a whip with 3in pieces of metal and glass sharply arrayed with teeth to literally rip the flesh from the body
Now Jesus has been up for almost 2 days, sweat drops of blood, beaten, swollen, spit on, and now whipped
The flesh around His back now blowing like ribbons in a noon day breeze
After 40 stripes, His bones are exposed and He is delivered to band of soldiers in the common hall
The Common Hall
Roman Band of soldiers 600 men
They strip Him of what little He had left on
The bones of His entire backside exposed, from the shoulders to the ankles are exposes from the whipping post
Standing naked in front of 600 men, being spit on mocked, punched, kicked,
They put a scarlet robe on Him, jam the crown of thorns into His head with 3” thorns they have pierced His skull and scraping His brain,
They mock Him, torture Him, strip Him, beat Him
Via Delorosa
After His torturing He is led into the via delorosa, a 1/3 mile walk to Calvary, the hill of Golgotha, the place of the skull
Jesus is so weak at this moment, where are the miracles Jesus, where is the power now? He can’t even stand…to hardly bare His own cross.
He had just about been beaten to death, moments before, so a black man, Simon the Cyrene helps carry Jesus’ cross.
Angels are crying, God it’s enough, it’s too much, He can’t take this
But God said that it pleased the Lord to bruise Him Isa 53.
God was saying just a little while longer, 6 hours to be exact.
The Cross
At 9am they nailed Jesus to the cross
12-3pm Darkness covered the entire earth
While men mocked Him, laughed, even one crucified next to Him mocked and demanded his own way
But a 3pm Jesus heart began to fail as He began to drown in His own fluids as His heart filled with fluid, all His bones were out of joint from being beaten, whipped and now crucified
He cried with a loud voice my God my God, why have you forsaken me?
At that moment God turned His head from Jesus, as He became sin for us, every disease, sin, stain of this world was put on Him
Angels cried, is it enough now God?
Jesus words echoed in Eternity as He in concert with God cried out with a loud voice, “it is finished” !!!
At that moment an earthquake hit the world as Jesus descended to hell, sheol hades, preparing His Exodus with the righteous dead, and defeating the daming powers of death and hell
The Veil
After the earthquake the veil in the temple was ripped in 2 from the top to the bottom, that way no man could say that man did it
Now Heb 10:19 declares to enter boldly into Holiest by the blood of Jesus with a new and living way, through the veil of His flesh
The blood gives us cleansing from dead works
Reason why we don’t enter in is we seek it for ourselves, other than to minister directly to Him
Before Jesus, we are told enter not, but after the veil was torn we are told to enter in!
Come through the blood
When Jesus side was pierced, when He ripped the veil ripped
Ripped not so God could get out, but so we could get in
Ripped so it couldn’t ever be closed again
The tabernacle veil kept us out, other than the priest
But now He has ripped that veil just for you to come in, to enter boldly,
Now He says to draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
Enter boldly by the blood of the Christ
Now we can enter in, not with our own labors, not because our own blood, but because of the efficacious, substitutionary, sacrificial blood of the lamb, of the risen Christ!
He died and rose again on the 3rd day burst forth from the tomb,
God gave Jesus an exit sign written in red, called the blood
Jesus burst from the tomb, death couldn’t hold Him down
Put 1 foot on the crumbling empire of death and hell, and the other on devils
He declared to be the son of God with power, by saying all power is given unto me in Heaven and Earth
Lifted up His hands to the Father and said, I am alpha and omega
Beginning and the ending
What you call the end is just the beginning.
Revelation 1:5
Jesus Christ loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
All I can say is thank you, I am not worthy, but God demonstrated His love toward us while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
He calls us to remember His death till He comes again, and before He returns, we need salvation.
That veil was ripped for you. Time to come in.
Look for Salvation/Repentance-
Prepare for Communion-
Read Isa 53:1-12
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Growing in God: Visitation
Series: Growing in God
Message: Palm Sunday Visitation
God uses the burden of Hannah’s heart to bring a surprisingly larger solution to a burden of His own heart.
Barrenness was not only Hannah’s condition, but Israel’s spiritual condition.
It was a season of spiritual need with little prophetic activity
God was looking for a voice to speak to His people
Hannah could not know that her intense intercession for a child was moving in concert with God-bringing her a son, but also bringing forth the will and blessing of God for a whole nation
Postponing her years of childbirth was for a purpose
She believed God
He moves on her behalf, but also advances His larger plan through her at the same time.
1 SAM 1:12-18
Develop Hannah’s Faith
Hannah had been eating she was in turmoil, she was fasting, food didn’t sound good to her
We want everyone to hear our sob story because we want people to know how bad it is…
Stop going to your God and tell Him about your mountain, and start going to your mountain and tell it about your God
You are serving a big God, start believing the Word, go buy your own word
If you would believe you would see the Glory of God
God uses the little insignificant things to bring His anointing in on
She believed the Word of God through Eli- the baby was on its way, there would still be a process, but Samuel was coming
She was no longer sad, … go prepare for baby makin
There is a visitation of the Holy Spirit coming to this Earth, the likes of which man has not yet seen, nor cried out for…
But it’s coming as sure as I am standing here
Faith takes hold of a Word-you have to get a Word from God and let your faith grow from there
The Word is found in Shiloh, Go to the Ark, Meet Jesus, find the presence of God and get a Word to believe in.
When Peter is walking on water…
Peter wasn’t walking on the water, he was walking on the Word, Jesus said, “Come” so Peter did
Water can’t hold a man but a Word can
Get a Rhema, Revelation, apocalypto-uncovering, of Jesus
Joel 2:28
in last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men shall see visions and old men dream dreams, and in those days will I pour out my Spirit upon men and women, and great signs and wonders shall take place, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
This is the visitation that is coming again, like at Pentecost 2000 years ago
Hebrew word Visit= Pakad; commit, trust, deposit, visit
Ex: if you go to the bank with money you are looking to make a deposit
Jesus is returning to this Earth and looking to make a fresh deposit of His Spirit and His gifts
When Jesus comes He brings life to dead things, life that sustains
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
1 Sam 2:18-21 the Lord visited Hannah again with 3 sons and 2 more daughters
The Woman at Nain Luke 7:11-16
Jesus walks into a funeral procession and raises a boy from the dead, right from the coffin
You might be in a death process, or the dream might be dead already, but Jesus is about to take that wet blanket and set it on Fire!!!!
He is ready to re-birth dreams, relationships, that you thought have been dead for years-Jesus is “the way, the truth, THE LIFE”
Luke 7:16 (King James Version)
16And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.
to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes
a) in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go to see one
1) the poor and afflicted, the sick
b) to look upon in order to help or to benefit, to look in on as a nurse cares for her patients
1) to look after, have care for, provide for: of God
c) to look (about) for, look out (one to choose, employ, etc.)
Visitation is coming, visitation of God’s power, worship, miracles
you are going to start worshipping where you have mourned, start celebrating where grieving
God is going to ride in on the back of the things that you have suffered
He is changing your weakness for His strength, my grace is sufficient for you
Visitation was coming to Jerusalem
Where Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem was held
Luke 19:30-31 NLT
There is a wave of revival getting ready to sweep the Eastern Seaboard
It will be a wave never ridden before, but the Lord has need of it, we have need of it, the lost have need of it
If it were to be something we’ve had on our plate before we would all be fed, and the job would get done.
But last generations revival was for them, it isn’t meeting the need for today,
last generations puddle of God’s presence isn’t good enough for me today, if it would have been able to get the job done we wouldn’t need more…
But have you seen the shape of our economy, our families, our people?
We are barren, destitute of the prophetic word, and in need of a new anointing, an anointing that will carry us right up to the return Jesus Christ to the Earth again…!!!
The old fires of revival were good, but are not getting the job done today, we need something fresh from God, for a new generation.
John 12:12-13 NLT
News that Jesus was on the way spread through the city, and a huge crowd of people ran down the road to meet Him, and shouted.
The thing that is going to grow our church is that you are talking and there is a buzz that Jesus is on His way, and that others are running down the road to meet Jesus, lines out the door waiting for us to start.
When people know that Jesus is coming they will run to meet Him
People flock to the presence of God, People will flock to the real thing
A visitation of God to our city, is God coming to make a deposit of the anointing and Glory of His presence.
Some may not understand why, but they will know that they need to get right, and follow God.
Luke 19:36-38 NLT
Visitation of the Holy Spirit comes as you lay down your sacrifice
No sacrifice too great to have the Glory of God rest on me
Visitation comes as you lay your garments down
Lay your garments down and He will give you a garment of praise for the Spirit of Heaviness
God will give you as much as you are willing to take
As much as you sacrifice to God, He will give back to you.
The entire city was stirred as He entered.
Jesus said if they keep quiet right now, the stones would break into cheers!!!
The fire is coming, and the fire only falls on the blood.
Hannah’s faith caused the visitation of God to come to Israel as God birthed His plan for a prophetic voice to be heard,
God will use that little insignificant things, use the foolish things to confound the wise.
ConclusionIf we want Jesus to triumphantly enter our city, our church, our families, our lives, we must lay down those things that slow us down,
Hebrews 12:1 KJV
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
What are you giving to Jesus, maybe just an ass, maybe something insignificant, are you laying aside drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, your ways, your resentment, bitterness? The Lord has need of those things.
Give Him your ways and He will give you His ways.
Message: Palm Sunday Visitation
God uses the burden of Hannah’s heart to bring a surprisingly larger solution to a burden of His own heart.
Barrenness was not only Hannah’s condition, but Israel’s spiritual condition.
It was a season of spiritual need with little prophetic activity
God was looking for a voice to speak to His people
Hannah could not know that her intense intercession for a child was moving in concert with God-bringing her a son, but also bringing forth the will and blessing of God for a whole nation
Postponing her years of childbirth was for a purpose
She believed God
He moves on her behalf, but also advances His larger plan through her at the same time.
1 SAM 1:12-18
Develop Hannah’s Faith
Hannah had been eating she was in turmoil, she was fasting, food didn’t sound good to her
We want everyone to hear our sob story because we want people to know how bad it is…
Stop going to your God and tell Him about your mountain, and start going to your mountain and tell it about your God
You are serving a big God, start believing the Word, go buy your own word
If you would believe you would see the Glory of God
God uses the little insignificant things to bring His anointing in on
She believed the Word of God through Eli- the baby was on its way, there would still be a process, but Samuel was coming
She was no longer sad, … go prepare for baby makin
There is a visitation of the Holy Spirit coming to this Earth, the likes of which man has not yet seen, nor cried out for…
But it’s coming as sure as I am standing here
Faith takes hold of a Word-you have to get a Word from God and let your faith grow from there
The Word is found in Shiloh, Go to the Ark, Meet Jesus, find the presence of God and get a Word to believe in.
When Peter is walking on water…
Peter wasn’t walking on the water, he was walking on the Word, Jesus said, “Come” so Peter did
Water can’t hold a man but a Word can
Get a Rhema, Revelation, apocalypto-uncovering, of Jesus
Joel 2:28
in last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men shall see visions and old men dream dreams, and in those days will I pour out my Spirit upon men and women, and great signs and wonders shall take place, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
This is the visitation that is coming again, like at Pentecost 2000 years ago
Hebrew word Visit= Pakad; commit, trust, deposit, visit
Ex: if you go to the bank with money you are looking to make a deposit
Jesus is returning to this Earth and looking to make a fresh deposit of His Spirit and His gifts
When Jesus comes He brings life to dead things, life that sustains
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
1 Sam 2:18-21 the Lord visited Hannah again with 3 sons and 2 more daughters
The Woman at Nain Luke 7:11-16
Jesus walks into a funeral procession and raises a boy from the dead, right from the coffin
You might be in a death process, or the dream might be dead already, but Jesus is about to take that wet blanket and set it on Fire!!!!
He is ready to re-birth dreams, relationships, that you thought have been dead for years-Jesus is “the way, the truth, THE LIFE”
Luke 7:16 (King James Version)
16And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.
to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes
a) in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go to see one
1) the poor and afflicted, the sick
b) to look upon in order to help or to benefit, to look in on as a nurse cares for her patients
1) to look after, have care for, provide for: of God
c) to look (about) for, look out (one to choose, employ, etc.)
Visitation is coming, visitation of God’s power, worship, miracles
you are going to start worshipping where you have mourned, start celebrating where grieving
God is going to ride in on the back of the things that you have suffered
He is changing your weakness for His strength, my grace is sufficient for you
Visitation was coming to Jerusalem
Where Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem was held
Luke 19:30-31 NLT
There is a wave of revival getting ready to sweep the Eastern Seaboard
It will be a wave never ridden before, but the Lord has need of it, we have need of it, the lost have need of it
If it were to be something we’ve had on our plate before we would all be fed, and the job would get done.
But last generations revival was for them, it isn’t meeting the need for today,
last generations puddle of God’s presence isn’t good enough for me today, if it would have been able to get the job done we wouldn’t need more…
But have you seen the shape of our economy, our families, our people?
We are barren, destitute of the prophetic word, and in need of a new anointing, an anointing that will carry us right up to the return Jesus Christ to the Earth again…!!!
The old fires of revival were good, but are not getting the job done today, we need something fresh from God, for a new generation.
John 12:12-13 NLT
News that Jesus was on the way spread through the city, and a huge crowd of people ran down the road to meet Him, and shouted.
The thing that is going to grow our church is that you are talking and there is a buzz that Jesus is on His way, and that others are running down the road to meet Jesus, lines out the door waiting for us to start.
When people know that Jesus is coming they will run to meet Him
People flock to the presence of God, People will flock to the real thing
A visitation of God to our city, is God coming to make a deposit of the anointing and Glory of His presence.
Some may not understand why, but they will know that they need to get right, and follow God.
Luke 19:36-38 NLT
Visitation of the Holy Spirit comes as you lay down your sacrifice
No sacrifice too great to have the Glory of God rest on me
Visitation comes as you lay your garments down
Lay your garments down and He will give you a garment of praise for the Spirit of Heaviness
God will give you as much as you are willing to take
As much as you sacrifice to God, He will give back to you.
The entire city was stirred as He entered.
Jesus said if they keep quiet right now, the stones would break into cheers!!!
The fire is coming, and the fire only falls on the blood.
Hannah’s faith caused the visitation of God to come to Israel as God birthed His plan for a prophetic voice to be heard,
God will use that little insignificant things, use the foolish things to confound the wise.
ConclusionIf we want Jesus to triumphantly enter our city, our church, our families, our lives, we must lay down those things that slow us down,
Hebrews 12:1 KJV
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
What are you giving to Jesus, maybe just an ass, maybe something insignificant, are you laying aside drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, your ways, your resentment, bitterness? The Lord has need of those things.
Give Him your ways and He will give you His ways.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Growing in God: Hannah's Pain for God's Purpose
Series: Growing in God
Message: Hannah’s Barrenness for God’s Purpose
Gideon, Ruth with “The Treasure is in the Field”
As you are working that field it takes work, energy, motion against resistance
Show you today how that prayer, and worship are in concert with God’s purpose as you stand your ground and believe what God has said to you.
God is getting ready to visit the earth with another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit
It will be an outpouring of power, healing, and great miracles.
But not because we are asking for His hand on the Earth only, but begging for His face, He is going to look on us…
The flipside of what we are facing now, debt, discontentedness, depravity, and barrenness of the presence of God
The answers are coming, as sure as you are sitting here the prosperity of the power of God’s face is coming to this Earth
God’s purposes are established through prayer, that the will of God would be done on Earth as it’s done in Heaven!
And Prayer and Worship are the formula’s to end the spiritual barrenness that is represented in our lives, church, pocket books, and our bodies, in your families, relationships
Hannah’s Story
1 Sam 1:2-7 NLT
It was customary, though not sanctioned by God, for a man to take a 2nd wife when his first one was barren
To be barren was viewed as cursed from God, but God can take circumstances that are the darkest and without hope and totally turn them around
Rms 8:28 we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose
Hannah in her own mind was considered a failure, it was a social embarrassment for her husband.
Children were important part of the social economic structure, they were a source of labor for the family and it was their duty to care for their parents in their old age.
If one could not bear children she was obligated by ancient Middle Eastern custom to give one of her servant girls to her husband for child bearing-Hannah didn’t want that
Elkanah could have left Hannah, he was permitted under the law to divorce a barren wife, but he remained lovingly devoted to her despite social criticism and his rights under civil law.
But Hannah’s repetition in prayer proved her dependence and humility on God as He remembered her by removing the social disgrace associated at that time with infertility.
She sought God for only what He could do
James 5:16 the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much
Ps 34:15 the eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, His ears are open to their cries for help
Did God remove the stigma of barrenness?
Yes, but not without going to Shiloh…
You must go to Shiloh
You don’t get the blessing of God without going to Shiloh
Shiloh- bringer of prosperity/peace, with infinite resources and power with which God acts for His people
Go to Shiloh-the temple-house of the Lord, symbolized the presence of God-It’s where the Ark is..Where Jesus is.
God is trying to get the Church to go to Shiloh, that’s where they find prosperity, peace, blessing, JESUS
Ex: Bible college, dorm hallway sign on kids door, “Freshly, fall in love with Jesus everyday”
It’s where they find the double portion
Hannah was barren but on her way to Shiloh, taunted by her husbands other wife, reduced to tears, to not even eat.
1:8 Elkanah= what God has purchased
What God has purchased for someone else is not enough for me, I have to have the power of God for myself,
Your blessing will not satisfy my barrenness, I have to have my own, I have to pay the price for my own fruitfulness.
I have to have my own experiences with God, yours aren’t enough for me
No sacrifice is too great to have the glory of God rest on me.
1 Sam1:9-14
vs 12 reminds me after HS was poured out to the disciples and 120 in upper room in
Acts 2:1-4 Suddenly there came a sound of a rushing mighty wind, that filled all the house where in they were sitting, there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:13
these men are not drunk like you would suppose, but this was prophesied by the prophet
Joel 2:28
in last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men shall see visions and old men dream dreams, and in those days will I pour out my Spirit upon men and women, and great signs and wonders shall take place, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
It’s time we get beside ourselves, and let the HS take over
You might be in anguish, start pouring out your heart to God
Hannah acted drunk in front of the Eli the Priest
1 Sam 1:15-16
Sometimes we speak out of our pain because we want others to feel bad for us
But God is saying, “You come to Me”.
Keep seeking Him, asking, knocking…God will answer.
Wait until baby weaned 2-3 years old, and leave him with the Lord permanently
Returns to the temple, 2-3 years later, reminds Eli about the promise
The promise of God is the purpose of God
But the blessing is not just for you
God always has a greater plan-
The blessing is through you to others, blessed, to be a blessing.
God uses the burden of Hannah’s heart to bring a surprisingly larger solution to a burden of His own heart.
Barrenness was not only Hannah’s condition, but Israel’s spiritual condition.
It was a season of spiritual need with little prophetic activity
God was looking for a voice to speak to His people
Hannah could not know that her intense intercession for a child was moving in concert with God-bringing her a son, but also bringing forth the will and blessing of God for a whole nation
Postponing her years of childbirth was for a purpose
She entrusted the longings of her heart to God
He moves on her behalf, but also advances His larger plan through her at the same time.
God uses our weakness to ride in on wings of His strength
His grace is sufficient for you/must be filled with the HS
Hannah’s barrenness was God’s timing strength and purpose
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice of prayer and worship brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
STOP 3/21/10
START HERE 3/28/10
1 SAM 1:19 God Remembered her request
1 Sam 2:18-21 the Lord visited Hannah again with 3 sons and 2 more daughters
Luke 7:16
to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes
a) in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go to see one
1) the poor and afflicted, the sick
b) to look upon in order to help or to benefit
1) to look after, have care for, provide for: of God
c) to look (about) for, look out (one to choose, employ, etc.)
God uses our weakness to ride in on wings of His strength
His grace is sufficient for you.
Hannah’s barrenness was God’s timing strength and purpose
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
Message: Hannah’s Barrenness for God’s Purpose
Gideon, Ruth with “The Treasure is in the Field”
As you are working that field it takes work, energy, motion against resistance
Show you today how that prayer, and worship are in concert with God’s purpose as you stand your ground and believe what God has said to you.
God is getting ready to visit the earth with another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit
It will be an outpouring of power, healing, and great miracles.
But not because we are asking for His hand on the Earth only, but begging for His face, He is going to look on us…
The flipside of what we are facing now, debt, discontentedness, depravity, and barrenness of the presence of God
The answers are coming, as sure as you are sitting here the prosperity of the power of God’s face is coming to this Earth
God’s purposes are established through prayer, that the will of God would be done on Earth as it’s done in Heaven!
And Prayer and Worship are the formula’s to end the spiritual barrenness that is represented in our lives, church, pocket books, and our bodies, in your families, relationships
Hannah’s Story
1 Sam 1:2-7 NLT
It was customary, though not sanctioned by God, for a man to take a 2nd wife when his first one was barren
To be barren was viewed as cursed from God, but God can take circumstances that are the darkest and without hope and totally turn them around
Rms 8:28 we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose
Hannah in her own mind was considered a failure, it was a social embarrassment for her husband.
Children were important part of the social economic structure, they were a source of labor for the family and it was their duty to care for their parents in their old age.
If one could not bear children she was obligated by ancient Middle Eastern custom to give one of her servant girls to her husband for child bearing-Hannah didn’t want that
Elkanah could have left Hannah, he was permitted under the law to divorce a barren wife, but he remained lovingly devoted to her despite social criticism and his rights under civil law.
But Hannah’s repetition in prayer proved her dependence and humility on God as He remembered her by removing the social disgrace associated at that time with infertility.
She sought God for only what He could do
James 5:16 the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much
Ps 34:15 the eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, His ears are open to their cries for help
Did God remove the stigma of barrenness?
Yes, but not without going to Shiloh…
You must go to Shiloh
You don’t get the blessing of God without going to Shiloh
Shiloh- bringer of prosperity/peace, with infinite resources and power with which God acts for His people
Go to Shiloh-the temple-house of the Lord, symbolized the presence of God-It’s where the Ark is..Where Jesus is.
God is trying to get the Church to go to Shiloh, that’s where they find prosperity, peace, blessing, JESUS
Ex: Bible college, dorm hallway sign on kids door, “Freshly, fall in love with Jesus everyday”
It’s where they find the double portion
Hannah was barren but on her way to Shiloh, taunted by her husbands other wife, reduced to tears, to not even eat.
1:8 Elkanah= what God has purchased
What God has purchased for someone else is not enough for me, I have to have the power of God for myself,
Your blessing will not satisfy my barrenness, I have to have my own, I have to pay the price for my own fruitfulness.
I have to have my own experiences with God, yours aren’t enough for me
No sacrifice is too great to have the glory of God rest on me.
1 Sam1:9-14
vs 12 reminds me after HS was poured out to the disciples and 120 in upper room in
Acts 2:1-4 Suddenly there came a sound of a rushing mighty wind, that filled all the house where in they were sitting, there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Act 2:13
these men are not drunk like you would suppose, but this was prophesied by the prophet
Joel 2:28
in last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men shall see visions and old men dream dreams, and in those days will I pour out my Spirit upon men and women, and great signs and wonders shall take place, anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
It’s time we get beside ourselves, and let the HS take over
You might be in anguish, start pouring out your heart to God
Hannah acted drunk in front of the Eli the Priest
1 Sam 1:15-16
Sometimes we speak out of our pain because we want others to feel bad for us
But God is saying, “You come to Me”.
Keep seeking Him, asking, knocking…God will answer.
Wait until baby weaned 2-3 years old, and leave him with the Lord permanently
Returns to the temple, 2-3 years later, reminds Eli about the promise
The promise of God is the purpose of God
But the blessing is not just for you
God always has a greater plan-
The blessing is through you to others, blessed, to be a blessing.
God uses the burden of Hannah’s heart to bring a surprisingly larger solution to a burden of His own heart.
Barrenness was not only Hannah’s condition, but Israel’s spiritual condition.
It was a season of spiritual need with little prophetic activity
God was looking for a voice to speak to His people
Hannah could not know that her intense intercession for a child was moving in concert with God-bringing her a son, but also bringing forth the will and blessing of God for a whole nation
Postponing her years of childbirth was for a purpose
She entrusted the longings of her heart to God
He moves on her behalf, but also advances His larger plan through her at the same time.
God uses our weakness to ride in on wings of His strength
His grace is sufficient for you/must be filled with the HS
Hannah’s barrenness was God’s timing strength and purpose
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice of prayer and worship brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
STOP 3/21/10
START HERE 3/28/10
1 SAM 1:19 God Remembered her request
1 Sam 2:18-21 the Lord visited Hannah again with 3 sons and 2 more daughters
Luke 7:16
to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes
a) in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go to see one
1) the poor and afflicted, the sick
b) to look upon in order to help or to benefit
1) to look after, have care for, provide for: of God
c) to look (about) for, look out (one to choose, employ, etc.)
God uses our weakness to ride in on wings of His strength
His grace is sufficient for you.
Hannah’s barrenness was God’s timing strength and purpose
Hannah’s consistent sacrifice brought the visitation of God to Israel through Samuel
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Growing in God: The Treasure is in the Field
Series: Growing in God
Message: The Treasure is in the Field
We are living in a time where people are living to please themselves and not God.
John 4:34-38 (New Living Translation)
Matthew 13:44 (New Living Translation)
44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field
Didn’t buy the treasure but the field
Treasures are hidden for reapers only God sees treasure in trash, potential in people, you are valuable to Jesus Christ
We must focus on the harvest, get involved with what God is doing, and it will always come back to you.
But in order to find the treasure you must invest in the field, you got to get in the field
Fields are white unto harvest, and Jesus is in the field
You want an anointing, get where the needs are
We are living in time where everyone wants the blessing of Christianity, healing prosperity favor good success, all the blessings of being a child of God
Either no one lives right, or there is a misunderstanding of how to get those treasures
The treasures of Heaven are hid in the fields of evangelism
Must invest into the field if you want the release of the treasure
Isa 58:6-7 talks about getting on the fast that God has chosen loose the chains that bind people, feed them, cloth them and give them shelter,
I’ve hid all the blessings and won’t release them till you get involved in the harvest field, the treasure is in the field
Must return to the fields of evangelism, mission fields, and get the focus off us
This is not a bless me club
We must start feeding hungry children, 15,000 children die of starvation every day somewhere in the world
How you gonna do that Dan, how much money you have for it?
If God said do it, the treasure will be in the field
If business people would get this it would revolutionize their life, change everything
Find a field of desperate hungry poverty stricken, hurting broken starving people and sow into the field
The treasure is in the field, God will begin to release treasures back into your life
He will release money and what money cannot buy, sow into the field, feed people the natural bread and the bread of life.
Invest into the fields and God releases the treasures, He is the Pearl of great Price
The anointing is in the field
Ex: Brazil- slums, healing, cancer, tumors, deaf ears
Ex: Marti Gras-Deliverance on the street
The treasure is in the field! Get in the field and get busy!
Your field is where you work, school, where lost people are, hidden treasures where you didn’t know God could use you in.
If you take care of God business, He will take care of yours. Don’t chase money, chase God.
If you chase after God, God will cause what others chase after, to chase after you!
Get in the field and reap the Harvest- the treasure is in the field
She is a destitute widow, she joins God’s people, gleans in the grainfields and risks her honor at the threshing floor of Boaz, a wealthy farmer. She follows a plan from her mother-in-law Naomi, and later Boaz and Ruth are married. Not only does Boaz allow her to glean in his fields, but allows protection and prosperity to come Ruth by marrying her. Boaz redeemed Ruth. And it’s a picture of Christ Redeeming us.
Boaz was really trying to help
Matthew 25:45 (New Living Translation)
45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.
There was a great famine so Ruth went to work in the field, and it was customary for farmers to leave the corners of their fields for others to glean who where impoverished, and it kept the farmers from hoarding, and also served as a type of welfare program in Israel
Ruth was out there and caught Boaz attention, maybe by the raven black flowing hair
Ruth 2:16 (King James Version)
16And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not
Ruth went to work in the fields and found her soul mate, not in the club, God has someone for you but get busy in the harvest field, the treasure is in the field, reap the harvest
What others chase after, will chase after you.
Ex: met Ashley working in the fields of Bay City
Your answer is in the field, not a party, reap the harvest, chase God, treasure in the field, God releases treasures in the field
There’s protection and purpose for you in the field Ruth 2:9
Get involved in the field and God will give you your own real estate,
Want to find your purpose get in the field
You think that your purpose is to work at the bank, plumber, school teacher, hospital
If you start tying what you do to the harvest, and leveraging your relationships, then God will connect you
Whatever field of vacation you are in, is your field
If you start reaping using leveraging, your influence in the field to witness to people about Jesus- He will leave you handfuls of purpose, find out what to do in life? Get in the field and find handfuls of purpose, but not until your involved in the field
Ruth met her mate by being involved in the field. God connected her with handfuls of purpose.
God will connect you when you get involved with the harvest field
Ruth experienced poverty and famine, and because of that she switched religions, as a Moabite, started working in a field of which she had no influence, married Boaz, eventually owning the land she worked as a peasant, made the God of Heaven her God, and later became the great grandmother to King David, and the great, great great grandmother to Jesus Christ, all because she was willing to get in the field.
She made up her mind to get involved in the field, the treasure is in the field
Purpose was released in handfuls of blessings, protection, and destiny
This is the gift and promise of God for you to get involved in the field, hidden treasure in the field
Do you think God allowed the earthquake in Haiti to see if America would respond? And if we do, do you think that God would use seed sown in that field or others to heal our Economy?
I believe God wants to bless America- other nations 36 Million, USA-500 million to Haiti
God has called us to get into the field in this last hour of the church dispensation, and the same work that the apostles performed was planted so that we, in this last hour would get paid the same, with greater works
The treasure is in the field, if you want God to bless you, you must bless others.
Jesus worked the fields for us with scarred hands and feet, I encourage you to join Him in His suffering for the suffering of this present time is but for a moment, but is not to be compared to the glory to be revealed in us
Ruth 4:15 (New Living Translation)
Message: The Treasure is in the Field
We are living in a time where people are living to please themselves and not God.
John 4:34-38 (New Living Translation)
Matthew 13:44 (New Living Translation)
44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field
Didn’t buy the treasure but the field
Treasures are hidden for reapers only God sees treasure in trash, potential in people, you are valuable to Jesus Christ
We must focus on the harvest, get involved with what God is doing, and it will always come back to you.
But in order to find the treasure you must invest in the field, you got to get in the field
Fields are white unto harvest, and Jesus is in the field
You want an anointing, get where the needs are
We are living in time where everyone wants the blessing of Christianity, healing prosperity favor good success, all the blessings of being a child of God
Either no one lives right, or there is a misunderstanding of how to get those treasures
The treasures of Heaven are hid in the fields of evangelism
Must invest into the field if you want the release of the treasure
Isa 58:6-7 talks about getting on the fast that God has chosen loose the chains that bind people, feed them, cloth them and give them shelter,
I’ve hid all the blessings and won’t release them till you get involved in the harvest field, the treasure is in the field
Must return to the fields of evangelism, mission fields, and get the focus off us
This is not a bless me club
We must start feeding hungry children, 15,000 children die of starvation every day somewhere in the world
How you gonna do that Dan, how much money you have for it?
If God said do it, the treasure will be in the field
If business people would get this it would revolutionize their life, change everything
Find a field of desperate hungry poverty stricken, hurting broken starving people and sow into the field
The treasure is in the field, God will begin to release treasures back into your life
He will release money and what money cannot buy, sow into the field, feed people the natural bread and the bread of life.
Invest into the fields and God releases the treasures, He is the Pearl of great Price
The anointing is in the field
Ex: Brazil- slums, healing, cancer, tumors, deaf ears
Ex: Marti Gras-Deliverance on the street
The treasure is in the field! Get in the field and get busy!
Your field is where you work, school, where lost people are, hidden treasures where you didn’t know God could use you in.
If you take care of God business, He will take care of yours. Don’t chase money, chase God.
If you chase after God, God will cause what others chase after, to chase after you!
Get in the field and reap the Harvest- the treasure is in the field
She is a destitute widow, she joins God’s people, gleans in the grainfields and risks her honor at the threshing floor of Boaz, a wealthy farmer. She follows a plan from her mother-in-law Naomi, and later Boaz and Ruth are married. Not only does Boaz allow her to glean in his fields, but allows protection and prosperity to come Ruth by marrying her. Boaz redeemed Ruth. And it’s a picture of Christ Redeeming us.
Boaz was really trying to help
Matthew 25:45 (New Living Translation)
45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.
There was a great famine so Ruth went to work in the field, and it was customary for farmers to leave the corners of their fields for others to glean who where impoverished, and it kept the farmers from hoarding, and also served as a type of welfare program in Israel
Ruth was out there and caught Boaz attention, maybe by the raven black flowing hair
Ruth 2:16 (King James Version)
16And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not
Ruth went to work in the fields and found her soul mate, not in the club, God has someone for you but get busy in the harvest field, the treasure is in the field, reap the harvest
What others chase after, will chase after you.
Ex: met Ashley working in the fields of Bay City
Your answer is in the field, not a party, reap the harvest, chase God, treasure in the field, God releases treasures in the field
There’s protection and purpose for you in the field Ruth 2:9
Get involved in the field and God will give you your own real estate,
Want to find your purpose get in the field
You think that your purpose is to work at the bank, plumber, school teacher, hospital
If you start tying what you do to the harvest, and leveraging your relationships, then God will connect you
Whatever field of vacation you are in, is your field
If you start reaping using leveraging, your influence in the field to witness to people about Jesus- He will leave you handfuls of purpose, find out what to do in life? Get in the field and find handfuls of purpose, but not until your involved in the field
Ruth met her mate by being involved in the field. God connected her with handfuls of purpose.
God will connect you when you get involved with the harvest field
Ruth experienced poverty and famine, and because of that she switched religions, as a Moabite, started working in a field of which she had no influence, married Boaz, eventually owning the land she worked as a peasant, made the God of Heaven her God, and later became the great grandmother to King David, and the great, great great grandmother to Jesus Christ, all because she was willing to get in the field.
She made up her mind to get involved in the field, the treasure is in the field
Purpose was released in handfuls of blessings, protection, and destiny
This is the gift and promise of God for you to get involved in the field, hidden treasure in the field
Do you think God allowed the earthquake in Haiti to see if America would respond? And if we do, do you think that God would use seed sown in that field or others to heal our Economy?
I believe God wants to bless America- other nations 36 Million, USA-500 million to Haiti
God has called us to get into the field in this last hour of the church dispensation, and the same work that the apostles performed was planted so that we, in this last hour would get paid the same, with greater works
The treasure is in the field, if you want God to bless you, you must bless others.
Jesus worked the fields for us with scarred hands and feet, I encourage you to join Him in His suffering for the suffering of this present time is but for a moment, but is not to be compared to the glory to be revealed in us
Ruth 4:15 (New Living Translation)
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