Thursday, November 15, 2007


Vision is one of those things that comes from the seat of desire. When you begin to get a vision about your life or what you want to do, you realize pictures of desire within yourself that are not yet achieved. But these dreams become the frames of the future as you put the scaffolding around your dreams. That scaffolding is the vision. It is large and tall, but there are a lot of gaps. You may right out your dreams and desires. What you want can become a vision for your life if you can lay out a clear process for attaining those dreams. So the dreams, desires, hopes, and anything ever scratched on a restaurant napkin, only become vision as you begin to envision those things happening.

Also, the next thing supporting your vision is the mission, and core values of what you are, and what you want to be the bullet points of your vision. Things that you will always come back to in life, regardless of what happens, those become your core values. No matter what, core values are made up of what works. Your mission will begin the road to how you will achieve the vision. See if you like this Vision, Mission, and Core Value sheet. It is called The Plan...

The Plan

The Vision
To Know Christ and Make Him Known

The Mission
To Passionately Love God, Sacrificially Love Each Other, Stay Committed To The Lost

Core Values
1. Great Communication
2. Building Strong families, and Develop Great Relationships
3. High Impact, High Energy Music Teams
4. Great Kids and Student groups
5. Life-Giving Small Groups
6. Stay Committed to the Lost, or Reaching People
7. Planting Missional Churches for Impact

1. Build Strong Families Through Great Relationships.
2. Evangelism Through Bridge Builders, Church Planting, Events, and Individual Servant Hood.
3. High Energy-High Impact Worship Experience With Focus On The Presence Of God.
4. Maximum Impact Media Presentation Through Technology To Reach All Interests In TV, DVD, Internet, Satellite, Radio, ETC.
5. High Energy-High Impact, Culturally Relevant Kids, Student (Jr & Sr High), College and Singles Groups.
6. Multiplication through Solid Discipleship, Practical Bible Teaching and Small Groups.
7. Spirit Filled Community Of Believers Loving God and Loving Each Other.
8. Great Stewardship through Giving- Our Time, Talents, and Treasures For God’s Purposes.
9. Partnerships by Networking New Relationships for Kingdom Advancement.
10. Leadership to Bring Help, Hope, and Encouragement.

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