Saturday, August 18, 2007


Over the last few weeks I have heard from a number of people about the kind of stress that people are under. Well I am well accoustomed to stress. I am trying to run 2 churches. One in Port Huron, the new church plant with Horizons, plus moving, transitioning out of our home church, and so much more. How many know that there is a level of stress in my own life that needs to be dealt with. Some of the ways that I deal with stress are these...

Not running away from my problems, even though I would like to! But physically running. I never needed to run when I was younger, but now I find myself in the need of some good cardio work at least 3 times per week. Of course you know the physical benefits of excercise, like chemically balancing out! But there is a mental rejuvination that comes with working out too. Eitherway, with my ipod blaring my favorite worship licks, or some great preacher yelling in my ears, seems to be, in some odd way, relaxing. So Get off the couch, in fact run as fast and as far away from that couch as possible!

Prayer is the good Christian, religious answer. But it works. You need some time everyday to steal away and be energized by God Himself. Jesus said it best when He said in Mat 26:41, pray that you don't enter into temptation. Prayer does a lot of things for us, but one thing is for sure, I have a sense of accomplishment when I have prayed. Not in an arrogant way, but it is the right thing to do. Temptation in any area is taxing on the mind. So pray, so you don't have to "enter" into it! Someone one time said that they never get tempted, they just give into it! Well, that is a joke people. You've got to pray, just to make it today!

Get a Life
My wife and I went fishing today. It was great! She thinks she caught more fish than I did, but I definately caught the largest fish. At least 22inches, no joking around. There has been a serious level of stress at our house with all that has been happening, so we decided to stop packing the house for a few hours, take the boat out, hit the water, and just chill, or in my words, FISH. There was barely a breeze on the Saginaw River and pretty quiet. We spent some good time together as we enjoyed freedom. My point is this...have a mountain to run to. Jesus did. And so do I. Get a Life! Enjoy the Lord, and enjoy the ones God has put in your Life. So don't be a loser, Get a Life!

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