Saturday, August 21, 2010

Synergy: Unity

Series: Synergy
Sermon: Unity
• Synergy is the combined efforts of all us are better than one individual doing it all.
• Synergy releases others
• The best gift is the one needed at the time.
• We must consider our gatherings in church in terms of team.
As we start speaking the same language together, and keep the unity, nothing will be impossible for us.
 If division trumps our unity then Jesus can’t be glorified.
 It is my greatest desire to be used by God and be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ on the front lines
 We must keep the unity of the faith by speaking the same things together
Eph 4:1-7 NLT
as believers we are one in…
vs 4-5
 body…..the fellowship of believers-the church
 Spirit…the HS who activates the fellowship
 Hope…the glorious future which we are called
 Lord…As Christians we all belong to Christ
 Faith…our singular commitment to Christ
 Baptism…the sign of entry into the New Covenant into Christ and the Church
 God…God keeps us as our Father for Eternity

 Christians get separated because of minor differences in doctrine
 Paul in scripture shows us areas where Christians must agree to attain true unity
 When believers have this unity of the Spirit, petty differences should never be allowed to dissolve that unity
Eph 4:11-16 NLT
 We must budget out for others faults, weaknesses , and sins.
 The way you grow is to get equipped, and built up
 Do your special work, it helps the other parts grow and complement eachother
 When other parts are complemented because of your gift the whole body is healthy, growing and full of love
Gen 11:1-9 NLT story of the Tower of Babel (Read)
 Babel means confusion
 Now this is few years after the flood and Noah and the Ark, and Idolatry is beginning to settle back into the Earth, and Babylon is leading the cause in idol worship.
 The tower of Babel was most likely what they called a ziggurat, a common structure that looked like pyramids with steps or ramps leading up the sides, built as a temple, standing as high as 300 feet tall, and were often just as wide
 The tower was to be the focal point of the city.
 This tower was built as a monument to their own greatness, something for the whole earth to see
 A monument to people rather than to the creator of the universe
How do we remain effective, involved, and engaged in the work that Jesus gives us?
 A key was given in the story of the Tower of Babel in our favor
 In order to be unified we must build something together, by speaking the same words, by speaking the same language together, they were able to remain effectively involved in their purpose
 God knew they would fulfill the wrong thing in the right way
EX: Rush Hour? you understand the words coming out of my mouf…
 We must speak the same things to be involved in His work
 The Babylonians had the right principles working, their hearts were jacked up!
 What language do we all have in common? Language of the name of Jesus
 We may build monuments to ourselves
 Expensive clothes, cars, houses, important jobs
 Calling attention to our achievements
 Your achievements may not be wrong in themselves, but when we use them to give us identity and self worth, they take God’s place in our lives
 We are free to develop in many areas, but we are not free to think we have replaced God.
 What towers are standing in the way of you and Jesus?
 What towers have you built as a monument to self and not God?
 You need God to change your speech, and the way you communicate, start speaking the plan and purpose of God over your life
 Let go and let God.


Anonymous said...

what happened to the blog?

Anonymous said...

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