Monday, October 20, 2008

Horizons 2nd Meeting was a Huge Success!!!

Horizons night was a huge success!!! There were almost 100 people that attended with their kids. The moonwalk in the backyard seemed to keep them occupied! Also we had a new friend of mine that led us in an incredible song, I Can Only Imagine. I am sure you know the song. There was a real God moment created as all of us were engolfed in the presence of God. It was awesome sharing that moment with all of you. Also Chris Zarbaugh prayed at the end, with a few good words (being that I took all the time) from John Ruvalo. I am not sure on the spelling of these guys names, but I am sure they will let me know later! Love you guys! Thank you to all those that attended and took the time to come. It has been a crazy day...this thing is beginning to snowball into something great!!!

The next meeting you want to put on the calendar is November 9th at 5pm. It definately will not be at my house! We love our house, but it definately can't hold all you fine folks forever. Plus I don't want to stifle our growth, so let's keep moving. The next location is "to be announced", isn't that fun?

Handfuls of families signed up last night, while others are praying about it. Let's consider getting on this ride, and as a team let's put our faith in Christ alone, and let Him bring us to the place where we really want to be...On the Horizon!
(you would only understand that if you were there last missed it...)

God Bless, I will be praying for you,

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