Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We have our small group Thursday 7/31/08 at 8pm at my house. Last week we discussed Matthew 4. Here are the notes in context.


Mat 4

1. The Temptation of Christ
2. Jesus Earthly Ministry
3. The Calling of the 4 Fisherman
4. Jesus Itinerary

1. The Temptation Of Christ
Mat 4:1-11 Read
This is really about Obedience
Temptation is not sin-thought of evil
You can’t show true obedience if you have never had an opportunity to disobey.
Your convictions are only strong if they hold up under pressure.
If Jesus would have given in to the pressures, his mission on Earth would have been lost.
So when you are being tempted consider the fact that Satan may be trying to block God’s purpose in your life.
Remember God doesn’t tempt you with evil, Satan does. God leads in Paths of Righteousness.
If you find yourself being led in temptation a lot, chances are you need to run from that arena, and not allow yourself to be drawn into it.
Jesus wasn’t tempted in high moments like in the Temple or at his baptism, but when He was vulnerable, tired, hungry, and alone.
When you are under stress, weighing big decisions, and faced with uncertainty.
You can be tempted through your strengths as well, that can be most susceptible to pride.
3 Areas of Testing
1. Physical Needs and Desires
2. Possessions and Power
3. Pride
Hebrews 4:15 Jesus faced all the same testings we do, yet passed them all without sin.
The way we turn to God for strength is by…OBEYING
Jesus found strength in obedience.
We think the more we resist the better we will be, but that just mentally wears us out.
The more we obey, the stronger we will be!
James 4:7 gives the formula-humble yourselves before God (obedience), resist the Devil (authority), and he will flee from you (freedom and spiritual growth).
Temptation is often the combination of a real need and a possible doubt that creates an inappropriate desire.
James says you are tempted when you are drawn away of your own lust.
3 things against you are the world the flesh and the Devil.
Jesus not only knew the scriptures but he obeyed them.
Many of our desires are God-given, but possibly not to be acted on till the right time.
Jesus was hungry, but He did not make the stones to become bread, meaning He did not fulfill an immediate need just because He was hungry
We may also be tempted to satisfy a perfectly normal desire in a wrong way or at the wrong time.
Trying to fulfill God-given desires in wrong ways is a problem
With desires comes certain ways to fulfill them, and certain times, or the right time.
Not only knowing scripture, but obeying it will help follow God’s desires for our lives.
At times we ask God for signs, but really he wants us to live by faith and trust Him
Duet 6:16 don’t put God to a test, He still may reveal Himself to you at times like that, but don’t try to manipulate God that way or twist scripture to make it say what you want.
If you’re focused on signs, the potential is there to distort your view and not focus on God’s real plans for your life.
Certain blessings could be closed to you because of disobedience in our lives.
But with Repentance, that opens the doors of God’s provision to us.
If you find yourself craving what the world offers remember Jesus’ words when He said, You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.
Big Formula
Worshipping God through obedience can break the cravings of this world.
2. Jesus Earthly Ministry
Mat 4:12-17
Jesus had moved from his hometown in Nazareth to Capernaum about 20 miles N.
Possibly to have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. The message could spread quickly, and utilize resources and support for His ministry.
Jesus came on the scene preaching, “Repent of your sins, and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
It was great news to know you could be healed, saved, and live eternally with God in Heaven
Becoming a follower of Christ means turning away from our self-centeredness and self control and turning our life over to Christ’s direction and control
3. 4 Fisherman Follow Jesus
Mat 4:18-22
Church, Bible study, spiritual things are the evidence of someone fishing for people.
Ex: up in Houghton lake-go where the fish are.
Ex: movie the perfect storm, steam out to the Flemish cap- even though there were storms, it’s where the fish are.
This is where the fish are.
God calls individuals, families
They didn’t make excuses about why they couldn’t follow Him, they just did it.
4. Jesus Itinerary
Mat 4:23-25
Words about Jesus were out
And people are coming from long distances to hear him and be healed by him.
He proved who He was by doing the work of the Kingdom, preaching, teaching and healing the sick.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

From the Gutter to Glory

Last night went great at Joy Community Church! Here is the sermon in rough format for your free viewing pleasure!!!

Horizons Church
Tell the World


· How many want to see the Glory?
· Glory=manifested, tangible presence of God
· The road to Glory is not paved with good fortune, or the accolades of men
· It comes through sacrifice, hard work, blood, sweat, and tears.
· Ex: movie Replacements-keanue Reeves- quarterback, last few moments of the game and he is inspiring his team in the huddle…
Pain Heals, chics dig scars, but Glory lasts forever
· Glory can also represent moments of accomplishments, high moments, reward for your work and diligence, a job you have landed, or maybe one of your kids received certain honors
· When you have worked really hard at something and spent a lot of time and money invested into a project or organization it becomes very difficult to walk away from what you have committed yourself too.

· I want to help you identify the seasons that some of you may in, and encourage you to continue doing the right thing, even though it may be difficult
· No sacrifice is too great to have the Glory of God rest on you
· From the gutter to glory

When we begin to sacrifice our desires for the one who created our will, then God increases in our lives

· Whenever you begin to talk about sacrifice and giving up in a church setting like this people immediately begin to think, ok what do I have to give up…
· I can’t pet the dog for a week, or listen to my favorite radio station, nothing to do with that
· We think we have to give up stuff…………….but it’s not about what you’re giving up but what you’re running too!
· *when the desire of the one your running too becomes greater than what you are leaving behind, than you know you are in hot pursuit.

Ex: when I come home from work the kids run up to me and want some love-they pursue what they want.
Ex: when I met Ashley I pursued her, I chased her until she caught me and put a rock on her finger,
The sacrifice was selling my mustang gt conv.

Many people sacrificed to get to Jesus
1. Paralyzed man had his 2 friends lower him down through roof in middle of service
2. zacceus climbed trees
3. woman pushed through crowds with issue of blood
4. others followed Jesus 3 days w/o food just to hear him

· there was always a ridiculous sacrifice made to have the glory of God
· even our own salvation experience is based on a great sacrifice

2 Sam 5:4-10 read
· From the Gutter to Glory
· Up the road lay 78 acres of high flat land that David wanted
· One road up and one road down, road was guarded and the gutter was not
· Who wants to guard a sewer anyway?
· The gutter back in David’s day was a sewage tunnel, it all flows down, later in king Hezekiah’s day it was cleaned up and became a water tunnel for clean pure water, which later became known as Warren’s Shaft
· At this point it was still sewage

· Jebusites thought they would mock David, thought they were so secure they had the blind and the lame keeping watch over the walls of the city and the one road leading in and out.
· How do blind people watch over anything?

· The first thing David did when he became King was go looking for a fight
· David was King over Hebron, but not King over all Israel yet.
· He could not celebrate by reigning in Hebron knowing that God had called him to rule all Israel
· David couldn’t celebrate knowing that the enemy was co-habiting the land with him. The place God called him to rule
· Some of you think that you are going to go up the road to Glory but that would be too easy. But not w/o challenge

· To the degree that you make yourself available to God He will begin to draw Himself closer to you.
· Don’t allow sacrifice to be a stumbling block to your purpose

· David was willing to do anything he could to reign over Israel
· Some of you been looking for a breakthrough, but want it on your own terms
· Get in the gutter, lay agenda’s down, plans down
· That insignificant thing may be the Token God uses to bless you
· God doesn’t put new wine into old wineskins, nor does He put a new patch on old clothes
· I’m saying God has a new way for you, it’s different than what you think
· From the Gutter to Glory
· you can’t get to the glory w/o the gutter
· It’s in the gutter or hard times when commitment, trust, character is developed

· Some of you want the glory and the blessing w/o paying the price for it
· If we went up our own way, the bright shiny yellow brick road we would die
· Jebusites guard that road, but God, if it had not been for the Lord
· How many been through some gutters in your life?
· Gutters can represent-marital problems, financial issues, instability with job, family conflicts etc.

· But how many know that the gutter was necessary to bring about the Glory that shall be revealed in us!
· Ex: God usually has a different way for us other than what we think, must sell your house Dan, move into your parents house, then have the house you wanted.
· Ex: driving to Houghton lake for years up 75N. I refused a different way for 2 years knowing that another way might be faster, but I was stubborn, finally did it and it was almost 45 min faster.

· You pay the price for what God has for you and you will have something way better than what you see here, stop competing with each other and pursue God yourself
· You pay the price of hard work
· Want a paycheck? Go to work!

· 2 sam 5:7 Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion in the face of the mockers
· David could not reign in Hebron knowing that the enemy was co-habiting Jerusalem with him
· vs 9 David dwelt in the stronghold and renamed it the city of David
· He brought the ark in to replace the seat of sin.
· vs 10 David went on and grew great and the Lord was with him.
· You grow when you allow God to sit on the throne of your heart where Satan used to rule.
· Lord is with you
· God is calling you to a higher place, His way

Took the stronghold
Dwelt in the stronghold
He grew because he was willing to sacrifice to have what God wanted him to have, control of Jerusalem and Hebron
God wants you to have dominion in places that are presently ruling you.
You will rule over areas that originally used to rule over you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tonight Wednesday July 23, 2008

I am speaking at Joy Community Church @ 7pm.

They are located on Utica Rd between 15 and 16 mile.

I will post the sermon after tonight!

Check it out!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Horizons Group Bible Study this Thursday at my house at 8pm for those attending.
Our study and discussion will be on Matthew 4.

-the temptation of Christ

-the beginning of Jesus ministry

-the fisherman who follow Jesus

-Jesus Itinerary

We will make it exciting!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sarah's Life Lessons

I spoke at a church last Sunday called, The Journey. We had a great time. I decided to post the sermon again. You can check out their church at The audio from the sermon will eventually post on their site. Check it out. Here is the written sermon. Leave me your thoughts.

Sarah’s Life Lessons
The Journey
As I thought and prayed about it I believe there are some life lessons that we can parallel from Sarah’s life
As I began to study this out a bit more, I found that a lot of my life has consisted with similar attitudes that Sarah faced.
Gen 23:1-3,19-20, 24:67
Sarah’s Life Lessons
She had learned enough in life that her family missed her when she was gone
Its good to be missed isn’t it?
How many love to wait? Everywhere we go we have to wait-blockbuster, restaurants, stoplights, the grocery store, and even the express checkout cause there is always that person that has more than 12 items! Most of our life is spent waiting for something. Our lives our spent not on the mountain tops, but in the journey through the valley of the shadow of death, or climbing higher. The top of a mountain is very small, not room to camp, but lots of room at the base of the hill.
Sarah died @ 127 and her son Isaac doesn’t marry till he is 40. 3 years after his mothers death Isaac is still missing her and her husband Abraham is 137 years old when his wife dies and about 3 years later Abraham remarried and had six more children!
When God performs a miracle it doesn’t die out!
And Abraham lives to the ripe old age of 175
The story starts in Gen 15:4. God tells Abraham that he will have a son who will be his heir… He is about 85 years old. His wife Sarah believed God but did not know how it was going to happen, then the drama starts. Have you ever been in a place where you believe God, but you just don’t know how it is all going to happen?
The problem here is Sarah is barren-how will she give her husband any child?
How many of us have ever taken matters into our own hand?
She tells her husband to sleep with her servant Hagar-Abraham is almost 86 years old here, no spring chicken
Like an obedient husband he concedes! I’m sure it didn’t take him long to think that one through. After Hagar is pregnant and starts treating Sarah horribly. Talk about drama? Sarah now is jealous because Hagar is pregnant, instead of waiting for the blessing of God to show up. Sarah had trouble believing God’s promise-so she gave everyone else trouble! When we try to make God’s promise come thru in our own human efforts, we find we are more frustrated then if we just would of waited for God’s timing. In waiting for God He is able to build the character and faith that it takes to sustain the promise when it does arrive! Don’t interfere with the plans of God-it will work out! Look at your neighbor tell them it will be ok! Just chill.
The main story of Sarah’s life is not Isaac, but what led her to Isaac, inspite of herself Meaning “Process” We are all in process.
Sarah arranged Hagar to have a child by Abe, later blames him for the results, strikes out in frustration 14 years later and tells Hagar and her son to leave the house-
Sometimes we just want to get rid of our problems by throwing them out.
Hagar wasn’t her problem-Sarah was Sarah’s problem-lack of faith, impatience, frustration with her own inability to have children-Anger can be very dangerous when we realize our own inabilities!
Running away from our problem doesn’t help us solve them
God spoke to Hagar to return and submit and work on her attitude toward Sarah, no matter how justified it would have been-return to your problems so you might face them and solve them.

3 people make serious Mistakes
1. Sarah took matters into her own hand, and gave her servant to her husband
2. Abraham went along with it. He knew better according to Gen 15:4, he also didn’t help the issue, he just told Sarah to deal with it.
3. Hagar ran away from the problem
Is this not the biggest drama in the Bible?
God still demonstrated His ability to work all things together for good inspite of this soap opera
God is still bigger than our problems if we will yield to him and let him work.
Don’t tell me that 75 year olds can’t get mixed up in drama-
Ex: ever see the lethal weapon movies, Danny glover always saying, Im getting to old for this stuff.
Finally God appears to Abraham @ 99, 15 years later, after some of the drama cools down and everyone dreams have died, about this time next year you will have a son.
God’s ways are not our ways. Character had to be developed in this family before the blessing could come!
By the time you die to yourself-God resurrects the promise on the inside of you.
Sarah laughs in the tent behind Abraham, God asks Sarah if she laughed, she said no, then God said, no you did laugh, how can a worn out women like me have a child?
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
What parts of your life seem to be on hold right now?
It may be part of God’s plan for you.
It took patience to receive the promise of God
Isaac got his name from what his mother did when she found out she would get pregnant at 90
How you respond when God speaks to you can determine the outcome.
Follow after those who through faith and patience have inherited the blessing
Unless corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies it will produce much fruit
Our will needs to die in order for Jesus to live out of us
Interesting thing about Sarah’s death, she died and had inherited the promise Heb 11:13
God gave her 37 years with her son Isaac
She was loyal to him and became an ancestor of Jesus
She was a woman of faith, the first woman listed in the Hall of faith in Heb 11
She had great challenges to her faith by taking matters into her own hand
Attempted to work problems out on her own without consulting God
Tried to cover her faults by blaming others
Lesson Learned
God responds to faith in the midst of failure
God is not bound by what usually happens-He can stretch the limits, and cause unheard of events to occur
Heb 11:11 it was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep His promise.
When your patience gets frustrated with time, give into God
Is anything too hard for the Lord?