Sunday, January 20, 2008

too long

It has been quite a long time since I have updated this. Let's just say that we are all a work in progress!

When I think about that progress, I think of Daniel, in the Bible. He definitely had quite a process that he went through as a prophet to his time.

He was taken captive from his family about 605 B.C. Then he was told not to pray, thrown into a pit of hungry lions, and made fun of by other court officers.

He served in that court over 70 years in government. God had given Daniel great end time visions plus the great prediction of the birth of the Messiah.

What made Daniel strong was his personal relationship with God in the face of opposition. Instead of focusing on his own dreams about 88 reasons why Jesus should of returned in 1988, he focused on his present relationship with God.

Because of Daniel's faith King's were humbled, or humbly understood that God was in control. Daniel was on a role realizing the sovereignty of God. (Which means, God can do whatever He darn well pleases). Daniel persevered through tough situations.

It may seem that you are in a den of hungry lions. Keep your relationship with God together and you will see the salvation of the Lord. More later...